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be cut back. God surely had His hand in this matter. Just re­
cently I received
new company car, fully loaded, for my
traveling. Having something as nice as this at no cost to me is
truly another third tithe blessing.
One surely is well rewarded for giving third tithe to help those
who are in need. God truly does take care of His people who keep
His laws and do so in a good attitude. Tithing paysl
M.S. (Canton, OH)
My husband and I are always amazed at how God blesses us during a
third tithe year--gas tanks stay full, appliances last another
year even though they are worn out. We even have a freezer full
of prime venison from relatives that like to hunt--but don't like
the taste of the meat. I could go on and on with the list.
Mrs. G.S. (Fulton, MO)
It really was quite inspiring and encouraging for my family to go
through our first third tithe year together.
We thought our
budget might be somewhat tight and we were right. However, we
had so many blessings during that time that it's hard to put
money value on it all. Things were given to us, even before we
could think of what we needed. It seemed like we were given much,
much more than we were giving to God's Work. We both realize that
it has been through God's love and kindness for us that these
blessings have come our way. We were so excited to see God's
promise working--that He would take care of our needs if we would
put Him first in our lives.
Mrs. C.S. (Harristown, IL)
I am now entering the sixth month of my first third tithe year in
the Church, and God has more than fulfilled His promise in
Malachi 3:10--pouring out many spiritual, material, physical,
mental, and emotional blessings.
In just material blessings
alone (which are the least of my blessings), God has already--in
less than six months--increased my income more than the amount of
the entire year's third tithe.
Now I know God is a miracle
God Almighty makes tithing and giving offerings to His Work a joy
beyond words to describe. He sets the greatest of examples of
giving by allowing us to take part in preparing the way before
His Son's Second Coming and His glorious Kingdom.
D.B. (Shelby� OH)
I am a salesman for Electrolux Vacuum Sweeper Company. My first
third tithe year started in October and that October, November
and December I sold 30 sweepers. That was the best I had ever
done. I didn't figure out why till months later. Those three
months started my third tithe year. As the year went on I have
seen other blessings.
I was in need of clothes--suits mostly.
In a garage sale my wife bought three suits that fit without
alteration and cost only $60.
In the Electrolux company, October and April are called drive
months. We have big prizes that we can win in these months. A