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problems now.
The government's budget, due next week, is a
popular conversation topic. With inflation at 20%, the budget is
expected to be harsh.
We may have to spend a lot of time
counseling individuals on finances.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Work Receives 50 Millionth Letterl
God's Work has just reached another significant milestone--the 50 millionth
letter was received last week!
This particular event is especially
important because it occurred during the jubilee year of God's end-time
Work. The woman, writing us for the first time, made this simple request:
"Please send me some of your free literature." She was sent THE BOOK OF
REVELATION UNVEILED AT LAST! and a year's subscription to The PLAIN TRUTH.
Bible CC Enrollments Reach 1.3 Million in U.S.
This present year all records for CC enrollments are being broken!
Including July's total of 11,266 new students, 1.3 million people have
enrolled in the course in the United States since it began in 1954. We are
continually receiving enthusiastic comments from students who say they are
understanding the Bible for the first time in their lives with the help of
the lessons.
Members Reap Special Blessings in Third Tithe Year
We continually receive letters from members stating how much they have been
blessed for faithfully obeying God regarding third tithe. They are truly
amazed at the extent of His outpouring of blessings, which often go far
beyond just the material kind. We thought the following comments would
especially encourage those who will begin their third tithe year after the
When one's third tithe year rolls around, the average human ten­
dency is to fret about one's financial status for the year to
come. I had determined long ago to leave matters in God's hands.
My parents always managed fine in their third tithe years when I
was growing up. They trusted God and He blessed us as a family
for that trust. Developing the right attitude toward tithing has
proven to be a big plus.
This year the blessings of God's hand have been overwhelming. To
start with, we were able to move from our apartment to a three­
bedroom house. The house was given an interior make over with
new paint, kitchen and bathroom facilities, and carpeting. Then,
an auto insurance deal went through giving us a $1,100 cash
settlement. The money has come in quite handy for some new fur­
nishings for our home.
After this I had a tremendous blessing concerning my job as a
sales representative for an industrial supply company. With in­
dustry so slow, nine out of forty employees were let go and pay
cuts were enforced for all the rest. But much to my astonish­
ment, I found out that I was the only one whose salary would not