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Dear Mr. Tkach:
Just a sincere note of thanks to you for allowing the LCEs to
attend the Refreshing Program. Rita and I were privileged to be
able to attend two years ago and again this past July and it was
truly refreshing. When that last question was answered on that
last day of the course, and we got up to leave, we realized that
it was over and we were going back out into the world--and we
didn't want to gol
But we are back now and trying to let the
local brethren know some of what we have learned and experienced
at God's Headquarters here on earth. We are most appreciative of
these courses and we feel more a part of God's ministry now than
ever before.
William and Rita Pearson
Dear Mr. Tkach:
The opportunity to attend the Refreshing Program recently is very
much appreciated by my wife and me. This was our first visit to
Ambassador College and the Headquarters of God's Work. It was an
experience we will not forget--seeing many old friends, making
new friends, and being instructed by God's chosen servants.
Everyone in every department went out of his way to make our
visit enjoyable. We appreciate Mr. Armstrong establishing this
program and allowing the local church elders to participate.
Please extend our thanks to everyone involved and we hope to re­
turn for Refresher #3.
Harvey and Judy Bauman
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
GREENSBORO, NC--DAN ROGERS: We continue to get a steady stream
of PMs, all of whom are very impressed and moved by Mr. Arm­
strong's telecasts.
The congregation's desire to study God's
Word and to learn and grow has certainly seemed to increase
lately. Their zeal is refreshingl
CHARLOTTE, NC--GEORGE PINCKNEY: Prospective member activity re­
mains high. We have very good media coverage in this area that
people in outlying areas can pick up. We can see very clearly
that Mr. Armstrong's telecasts are making a big impact on people.
SAN ANTONIO, TX--GREGORY SARGENT: PM activity has picked up re­
cently. We really appreciate the straightforward television pro­
grams. It seems the stronger Mr. Armstrong is, the more response
we receive from viewers.
tently strong. Members and PMs are
example being set by Mr. Armstrong.
continue to impress.
PM activity remains consis­
very enthusiastic about the
Broadcasts and publications
PHOENIX (WEST), AZ--JAMES TURNER: I have been overwhelmed with
new visits for the last few weeksr some of them seem to have good
potential while others are not yet ready to come along.