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OLYMPIA, WA--MEL DAHLGREN: Most new PMs are requiring a great
deal of attention since they are so new. I find that they are
coming along in time, but am having to be careful about expecting
too much too soon. Others need more time before attending church
to be sure they are on the right track.
SARASOTA, FL--DANIEL BIERER: In visiting with PMs lately, I have
noted that other religious groups seem to be stepping up their
activities against the PT and Church.
One member has been
harassed by telephone--someone trying to convince him to "leave
this cult"!
We have received some organized
resistance to the PT stands. One gas station owner was brought
before his church council to answer questions about his stand and
was told to remove it or be put out of the church. He removed the
VISALIA, CA--GLEN WHITE: We're being shown unusual favor regard­
ing newsstands by store owners who had previously rejected us.
Program is doing very well.
BETHLEHEM, PA--RAY LISMAN: Mr. Waterhouse gave our congregation
a very powerful Bible study. It was very uplifting and positive,
and gave us a great deal to think about as far as measuring our­
selves spiritually. I really appreciated his coming.
ROSEBURG, OR--LEONARD SCHREIBER: Many people are commenting how
they are enjoying the special features in the PASTOR GENERAL'S
REPORT (e.g., the different letters people write in).
QUINCY, WA--GENE WATKINS: It seems God is certainly continuing
to get us all ready for what is surely coming. The PT and GN
articles continue to hit the nail right on the head in every
issue, addressing every immediate problem. It is thrilling and
exciting to see this happening!
(Pasadena Campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
We are gearing up for another very busy and productive year. We are expect­
ing about 156 freshmen to arrive here within the next few days. This will
be slightly more than our freshman class last year. We expect to have some
very fine students, both at the Pasadena and Big Sandy campuses.
Mr. Les McCullough and the others in the faculty and administration at Big
Sandy are also quite eagerly looking forward to the new college year. As
previously reported, this year we have admitted the freshmen at both cam­
puses to the two-year A.A. (Associate of Arts) or A.S. (Associate of
Science) program. Then at the end of two years, we will select about half
of the combined Pasadena/Big Sandy two-year graduates to go on into the
four-year B.A. degree program. The others will then go back into the local
church areas, where many of them will become pillars.
This week we are having what we have come to call "Leadership Week." During
this week, we of the administration and faculty have had a number of meet-