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Ministerial Refreshing Program. The lectures were penetrating,
convicting, inspiring and challenging. It was the first time in
my life I have been able to listen to many longtime ministers who
themselves were trained and are loyal to Mr. Armstrong. What a
blessing to hear from them and especially to hear from G9d' s
Apostle, being immersed in that treasure of wisdom, knowledge and
sincerity. Now I can better serve God's people with these re­
sources back home.
The beautiful campus of God's college is awe-inspiring, overflow­
ing with an abundance of smiles, friendly greetings and conversa­
tions from ministers, students and employees. But on top of all
these things unity was evident during the sessions--everyone
speaking the same thing in all aspects of the Work. It all points
to one source, one direction and that truly God and Christ are
with you at Headquarters. We praise God for this and give our
sincere thanks to you both as well.
Felipe Casing
Dear Mr. Tkach:
I would like once again to thank Mr. Armstrong and those assist­
ing him for providing the immensely edifying and inspiring Re­
freshing Program just concluded. More so than ever, the unity of
mind and direction which God's Spirit has put into His Head­
quarters team was obvious for all to see. Each instructor, with­
out exception, helped greatly to inspire us toward the goals of
preaching the Gospel and preparing the Bride.
It seemed as
though each presentation might have begun with a similar title:
"The way of give as applied to child rearing: the way of give as
applied to church sports programs, etc." It was obvious that the
instructors have deeply internalized the meaning of the two trees
and brought it out as it applied to each area.
The tours through Mail Processing and TV Production were high­
lights of the program. At times it seemed that the power and
unity which exuded from each person working in these areas would
overwhelm us. I'd especially like to thank you and your staff
for all the effort put into enabling us to be better teachers and
leaders. I'm eagerly looking forward to MRP III.
Michael Grovak
Mr. Tkach:
Nonceba and I wish
thank you for
opportunity we had in
attending the recent Ministerial Refreshing Program. We deeply
appreciate Mr. Armstrong's concern for God's people in getting us
ready for Christ's return. This program is a priceless effort to
equip us to be of more effective service to our local congrega­
tions to achieve that objective. It is very beneficial!
It was also very inspiring to be at Headquarters to experience
the unity, love, loyalty and dedication that was so evident
everywhere we wentt This is very inspiring indeed. You have no
idea what this does to boost those of us from the far-flung in­
ternational areas. We can now back Mr. Armstrong more effec-