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worth mentioning is that response from last year's promotional efforts,
which ended before last year's Feast, continued to be received until
April.) During the first seven months, a total of 51,152 new subscribers
have been added--29% less than the period last year.
Circulation has risen markedly this year in Mexico, Argentina arid Spain.
The number of PV subscribers in Argentina has just passed 20,000. Spain's
circulation stands at an all-time high of 14,639.
Six new students from Latin America will enter Ambassador College this
fall--three from Puerto Rico, two from Mexico, and one from Colombia. This
is the largest contingent of new Spanish-speaking students ever. There are
now twelve A.C. students in Pasadena from five Spanish-speaking countries.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have been looking forward to writing this letter of
appreciation for three years! We have just completed our first
experience at a Ministerial Refreshing Program. We both agree
the two weeks on the Pasadena campus did much more than refresh.
We were most inspired by the beauty and peace, the tremendous
hospitality and the spirit of unity everywhere we went.
It was great to see friends from years gone by and to meet new
ones. The scope of God's worldwide Work was made more clear to us
through the classes, tours and the warm fellowship with the men
and their wives doing the work in Africa, Australia, England, the
Philippines and Switzerland.
THANK YOU, sir, and EACH one of those who took part in the extra­
ordinary effort of instructing, correcting and directing us to be
of one mind. THANK YOU for the increased joy, hope and excite­
ment we now have to better do our part in God's great Work. We
treasure what we received and eagerly await the next Refreshing
Tom and Pam Smith
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thanks for the opportunity to attend the Ministerial Refreshing
Program. It showed the many positive fruits of uniting behind
you and applying the way of God.
Sitting through the program was like watching several skilled
artists working in unity to produce a beautiful painting. Along
with the BIG picture, many details were added to make it even
more vivid and picturesque. Such a picture is of great value.
Now the challenge is to apply what we have heard and convey this
treasure of truth to God's people.
George Kackos
Dear Messrs. Armstrong and Tkach:
Please accept this note of thanks and deep appreciation for the
unique opportunity you have given me in attending the June, 1983