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to leave me for the same reason. On April 4 my company trans­
ferred me to a Monday-to-Friday daytime job. They also told me I
would be able to have all of the holy days off including the en­
tire Feast! My wife has returned and there is peace in my house.
I thank the living God for these blessings every day. I thank you
for your prayers also. I am so glad to be a part of God's Work.
L.H. (Susan, CA)
I thank God that there is one man who is preaching the plain truth
to the world. You are preaching the Word of God the way that I
have always believed. I have attended many different churches
and no one preaches the Word of God the way you do.
Right at the present time I am going through hard times. None of
my family believes in what I believe. They tell me that I don't
know what I'm doing. I know that Satan is trying to break me away
from hearing the truth. I know that my family and my so-called
friends are also trying to break me away from hearing the truth.
But I will not break away. I know that God has a plan for me and
I will do His will.
C.P. (Mt. Sterling, KY)
I am 17 years old arid very grateful that three years ago I picked
up a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH at school. Seeing your viewpoint
provoked me into looking and inquiring as to what God's Word
actually says and means. Because my mother greatly opposes the
Church, I must "smuggle" in your publications by using my grand­
father's address. Anyway, here is my small donation to help you
continue your Work.
L.P. (Arkansas)
Satan is trying very hard to destroy my faith and confidence in
God and His way of life. But through much prayer and diligent
Bible study, God has delivered me many times from persecution,
mocking and ridicule. Twice I have been threatened with total
destruction of all my papers, Bible Correspondence Course lessons
and other study material, but God has prevailed. I also have
been rebuked many times because of the time I spend in prayer.
One family member told me that one day I will end up in an insane
But I remember the scriptures which tell us not to be afraid of
what men do or say against us, because it's evil spirits we are
fighting against.
Many times their fiery darts have been
quenched with God's Holy Word.
Mrs. D.M. (Bonne Terre, MO)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
SOUNDING AN UNCERTAIN TRUMPET The fleets are underway, the troops will
arrive soon for
in Honduras.
Feeling the pressure, Cuba's
Fidel Castro and the ruling Marxist junta in Nicaragua both denounce
President Reagan as a warmonger while giving faint hints at compromise and
a "political solution.
But beware, says General Gustavo Alvarez, com­
mander of the Honduran military forces, who adds:
"When Communists are