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sometimes even hundreds of pieces of literature, postage and processing
costs increase considerably. Thanks always for your help and cooperation.
Persecution Encountered by Those Responding to God's Truth
As people who have contacted God's Work become more involved in learning
about the Truth of God, they usually encounter some degree of opposition,
just as the Bible predicted they would. This week we're including a few
recent letters from some who have met with such resistance. Their re­
sponses indicate that they are remaining steadfast in their determination
to follow God's way. Following are some of their encouraging comments:
I have done a lot of research on Mr. Armstrong and the Worldwide
Church of God and even at this moment I have a book by someone
who's trying to make your organization out to be a cult. I've
read it over and over again and can't help but say to myself,
after studying into what you believe, that you are definitely not
a cult. It's amazing how God seems to be speaking or working
through just this one man--there are no others like him.
I'm really excited about what I'm learning, and feel like I might
want to become a member of your church. You've got something
very truthful, real and valuable there: don't let any opposition
or persecution (which I can see that your church suffers) get you
down or make you let go.
G.F. (Bethel Park, PA)
Enclosed is a contribution to your fine work. I agree that this
is a very challenging magazine and I find it most interesting.
However, I would like to say that when I took the magazine along
to one of our Bible study groups, the members pounced on me,
telling me to discontinue receiving and reading it--that your
group is a cult. I disagreed with them wholeheartedly, but they
insisted and in fact produced a book that labels your organiza­
tion as a cultist group.
Well, I said, cult or no cult I have learned much from The PLAIN
TRUTH and will continue to read it with enthusiasm. I just will
not mention it in our study group.
B.S. (Delta, PA)
I have been getting The PLAIN TRUTH and Bible Correspondence
Course since some years ago. I stopped going
church on Sun­
day--which made all my relatives disown me and condemn me to
hell. But that doesn't hinder me. I know they don't know the
true word of God. I pray for them. I am very happy and they
don't understand why. But one day they will.
I have started going to church in Alexandria, Louisiana. I can't
begin to tell you the joy it has brought me. I didn't know the
Church was there until I was visited by some of your ministers. I
was sure glad they did because now I look forward to God's Sab­
bath. 1 am so thankful God opened up my eyes to the truth.
Mrs. R.S. (Anacoco, LA)
The great God has answered my prayersl On March 3 I was laid off
my job because I wouldn't work Friday nights. My wife was going