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PLAIN TRUTH the Number One Source of Literature Requests
Eighty-five percent of the preceding literature requests came in as a re­
_sult of three major sources:
The PLAIN TRUTH magazine--48%, "The WORLD
TOMORROW" telecast--22%, and booklet cards and envelopes--15%.
The distribution of literature is an important fulfillment of the Work's
commission and has borne much fruit. It is interesting to note that 9% of
all U.S. members, baptized since 1970, first came in contact with the Work
through a book or booklet.
Booklets Provide Understanding and Enlightenment
This week we are featuring comments from our readers about specific book­
lets they have read. These comments openly express their gratitude and ex­
citement about the new truth and inspiration they have received. Many have
had important questions answered for the first time in their lives, and
been given new hope and purpose. Following are some of these comments:
I have just finished reading THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN
PROPHECY, which you so graciously sent to me. I must say that I
am shocked. I have never read anything so enlightening in all my
life. I can only pray that every man, woman, and child will have
a chance to read this book--and very soon.
& B.H. (Waretown, NJ)
I just received a booklet from you called THE BOOK OF REVELATION
UNVEILED AT LASTl I have been struggling for some time to under­
stand the symbolism of the horses, trumpets and other things de­
scribed in Revelation. The.booklet has really helped me when I
needed it most. I am grateful.
L.E. (Easthampton, MA)
Thank you for all the literature you have sent me. Your booklet,
WHAT IS FAITH?, made me understand exactly what faith is. I
thank God for bringing this to my understanding, for now I really
do know that all things are possible through Christ Jesus. All
of your teachings are thought-provoking and in accord with the
Word of God.
G.J. (Sunrise Village, FL)
I have been like other millions of Christians. I thought when I
accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, I was born again.
When I read the booklet JUST WHAT DO YOU MEAN--BORN AGAIN? I was
shocked. I have been in the dark until now. May God bless and
keep you for helping so many people to find the plain truth from
God's Word.
I.H. (Baltimore, MD)
Thank you for the LIFE AFTER DEATH? booklet. I read it as soon as
it arrived. I want to explain why I sent for it. My mother
passed away two years ago and I was devastated by her death•.•.
When I heard you say what happens to people after death and how so
many preachers teach about going to hell immediately with no
chance for remitting sins, I listened closely. I did not know
that people had a chance to have God put His Spirit in them, with