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When I received my first copy of The PLAIN TRUTH, I'd only in­
tended to thumb through the pages. Soon, I was enraptured and
read the entire magazine before retiring. ! could understand it!
G.F. (Gary, IN)
Thank you for the letter you sent me last month. I'm always glad
to know that the church is still progressing and that you are
still traveling and spreading the Gospel to the world. We are
praying for you as you pray for us in this war-torn world.
W.S. (Memphis, TN)
Thank you for your letter dated May 27, 1983.
I received it
today. This is your first letter to me and mine to you. The
PLAIN TRUTH is just what it says it is. A friend living in Miami
asked you to send me this most informative magazine and I am
enjoying the issues I have received.
I pass them around to
As does everything, a religious program requires financial
assistance. I am happy that I can join with other subscribers in
lending a hand even though my contribution will, of necessity, be
small. So please accept this check �s a token of my apprecia­
M.H. (Atlanta, GA)
Your letter of May 27 from Pasadena is a whole sermon in itself
for those who will listen! The PLAIN TRUTH and GOOD NEWS are just
great and I have enJoyed most of your booklets as well.
message on your TV program last Sunday surely "told it as it is!"
More power to you!
V.L. (Nashua, NH)
It made me very happy to receive your letter containing the his­
torical facts of the early beginning of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine.
I am proud to be a new subscriber.
I am a Christian and a member of the...Church in my city. I enjoy
attending worship service at my church, but when I am at home
with my PLAIN TRUTH magazines and the other books that I have
received since becoming a subscriber, it seems I understand life
and the troubles of the times much better. Just reading them
gives me extra courage and strength to carry on.
F.P. (Memphis, TN)
I was deeply grateful to receive your recent letter. Your des­
cription of the dream you had in 1927 was most inspiring. I thank
God for allowing me the wonderful privilege of having a part in
His great Work. God has really used you to make known His great
plan and purpose. The PLAIN TRUTH magazine is clear and under­
standable. It brings us understanding of life's problems--per­
sonal, family, group, national and worldwide.
I have learned
over the years since I have been a part of this great Work of God,
that giving is the best way to do things.
G.G. (Girard, OH)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center