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Help Sought for Family Problems Is Increasing
The Personal Correspondence Department has been handling a growing number
of letters describing problems within families. A great deal of misunder­
standing, selfishness, hostility and even violence is reported. For many,
the family unit is unstable and disintegrating. A few examples from recent
letters include the following:
an alcoholic son threatening and abusing
his mother; a wife and her children leaving the home because of her hus­
band's frequent abuse; another wife who lives in fear of her hot-tempered
mate who is a frustrated, disabled veteran; and a woman who has been plagued
with loneliness since a divorce.
Many people also ask questions about childrearing. Some want to know how to
become better parents, asking for any literature we have that could help
them with their children.
In all such instances, our PC writers take a personal interest in each in­
dividual and offer hope, encouragement and appropriate literature. How­
ever, it is clear from these letters that God's Kingdom is sorely needed as
the ultimate solution to the escalating personal and family problems in the
world today.
Comments on the Semiannual Letter
Thousands of subscribers have responded to Mr. Armstrong's latest semi­
annual letter, expressing support and appreciation for the help they have
received through this Work. A number of new subscribers were particularly
interested in how The PLAIN TRUTH came to be. Others, who wondered just how
the Work is supported, were happy to have the co-worker policy explained.
As a result, many now want to become co-workers in this great Work. Follow­
ing are some of the letters recefved:
Thanks very much for your personal letter. It was very informa­
tive, because I have always wondered how you got started and how
long you were involved in this ministry.
I have been a sub­
scriber for nearly three years and I find your magazine, The
PLAIN TRUTH, very knowledgeable and interesting. I am happy to
receive it. I also enjoy your Sunday morning program on TV, and I
will be happy to receive the books indicated on the enclosed
T.M. (Charleston, SC)
Unfortunately I belong to the very low income class of people-­
hardly enough to live on, just surviving. That is the reason why
I never dared to ask you for any of your booklets, for I am not
able to make any contribution to your good work. After receiving
the letter from The PLAIN TRUTH today, I understand that Mr.
Armstrong means what he says and therefore I dare to ask you to
please send me some of your wonderful and unique literature.
J.K. (Phoenix, AZ)
For once I can receive Christian literature without
pressured into sending "X" amount of dollars. Because you
the principle of "freely received, freely given" I plan to
a co-worker with Christ and with you.