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I must testify honestly that even at that time when I was a mere
budding Christian, so to speak, I was already mightily blessed
directly and indirectly through your ministry.•••
Now I am in America, and last year by chance I resumed my perusal
of your magazine and sent in for a subscription. Today I write
simply to express my heartfelt gratitude to you again and pray
that God will continue to bless your ministry.
D.H. (Houston, TX)
When I watched your preaching on TV, I learned that you are
willing to send the booklet of Revelation concerning the Beast to
whoever begs you to send. I will be much appreciative if you can
kindly send me one book each. I want to translate them in my own
tongue to send to my homeland in Burma to those who are very needy
to know.
U.C. (Las Cruces, NM)
I am Russian and I enjoyed the program. I just came here about
one month ago. Mr. Armstrong was talking about my country and I
want to read this book.
N.I. (Brownsville, TX)
Thank you for sending me your magazine The PLAIN TRUTH. I'm an
international student from Japan.
I really want to know the
truth--the real meaning of life. As soon as I started studying
on the American college campus, I noticed that many people, in­
cluding students, are involving themselves in Christianity and
feeling happy. Actually in Japan, few people even think of God.
They don't care. In classes, teachers teach "Human Evolution" as
the true theory. I really don't know, but I really want to know!
Since I came to the U.S., I've tried to listen to the people who
speak about God. I may have learned about God from them, but they
always asked me to donate money. I know the truth may be expen­
sive. But last month I found your magazine The PLAIN TRUTH, and
I've noticed that you are not asking us to give you money even for
the magazine. I'm very surprised
You are giving us a real
chance to know the truth.
H.H. (Flagstaff, AZ)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Having concluded his trip to Poland with an unprecedented--and precendent­
setting--"deal" with Communist authorities there, Pope John Paul II is
already planning his next trip. This time he would like to� inside the
Soviet Union itself, to Lithuania-:--TileaaltTc "captiverepubITc" which-rs
overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. In the July 5, 1983 LOS ANGELES TIMES,
foreign correspondent Dan Fisher reports from Warsaw concerning this
possible next move in the papal "Orang nach Osten":
WARSAW--There have been preliminary contacts between the Vatican
and the Kremlin on the possibility of Pope John Paul II visiting
Soviet Lithuania next year, according to well-placed Roman
Catholic Church sources in Poland. The Vatican's target date for