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spired by the truth, express a desire to see it brought to their nation of
origin. Here are some of their letters.
I am very happy to watch your TV show this Sunday and decided to
write this letter to you. I am a Vietnamese refugee. My family
is including 10 persons. We are Christians from Vietnam. We
escaped from our country early this year.
Your shows were very interesting to my family. We understood
that you have some very interesting magazines as: NEVER BEFORE
would like to receive these magazines for the family to read.
Please tell me how can I receive them? Do I need to pay for them?
I very much appreciate your answer to us. May God bless you all.
T.T. (Bastrop, TX}
A free sample copy of The PLAIN TRUTH of July 1982 came into my
hands. After I went through it, I was attracted by the articles
that appear in it. Very plain, balanced and thought-provoking
We are from India and have now immigrated to the U.S.A." I thank
you for sending me the booklet·--THE U.S, AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY
--which I am still reading. I shall-be delighted to read more of
the literature you prepare and select so judiciously.
P.M. (West Orange, NY}
I am a Venezuelan student, presently enrolled at Bradley
University in Peoria, Illinois. I have been reading The PLAIN
TRUTH magazine since I am here in the United States. I really
think it is a great magazine and furthermore a magazine of under­
standing. Reading your articles helps me feel much better about
myself. Also, it is encouraging to see all those finely-written
articles about specific and delicate topics such as religion,
drugs, health, international politics, nuclear danger and per­
sonal development. Finally, I would like to congratulate all of
you for making this magazine available in different languages. I
express my wish for you to publish this magazine in Venezuela and
all those underdeveloped countries that have need of sincere and
positive guidance.
F.A. (Chicago, IL}
While I do not claim to understand all the things you have been
proclaiming over the radio and TV and through The PLAIN TRUTH
magazine, I am sure that I have been properly encouraged and
challenged through your personal testimony and ministry of the
Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
I recall that about twenty-five years ago, while I was still in
my home country of Taiwan, I acted as your radio message monitor
for several years up to 1966. I remember I corresponded quite a
few times with your representative in Australia.