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The human face expresses human character and attitude. God intended
it to be beautiful, but a beauty that comes from within, especially the
eyes. God made the human face so designed that, if the inner attitude is
godly, it will be beautiful. Of David, a man after God's own heart, He says
he was "of a fair countenance."
Of Abigai1, "she was a woman of good
understanding, and of a beautiful countenance." There was no make-up. The
Bible speaks of other virtuous women with beautiful faces, but no make-up.
It speaks of harlots and evil women ·using make-up for evil and seductive
God has called those in His Church OUT of the world, out of its life
styles, into GOD'S WAYS to please HIM, not to please or be like the world.
Each must look down deeply into his or her heart--the inner attitude,
desire and motive. Do we hunger and thirst for GOD'S righteousness, or to
follow the world's life styles?
IF we are in truth a member of God's Church, we have come out from
among those of the world, hungering and thirsting for GOD'S WAY OF LIFE.
God's Church can come to no other decision than that changing the face
God designed and gave and following the world in make-up is SIN, and will
certainly lead to DEATH in the LAKE OF FIRE!
I am personally grateful to God that all but a very few of those we
regard as members have "come out from among" the artificial ways of this
world. I thank God for you!
International News
New Zealand Report Because of concern over a declining trend in income over
recent months, Regional Director Peter Nathan called for the brethren to
fast in early May. God answered our prayers in a thrilling way!
Income for the month was the second highest total recorded by God's Work in
this part of the world--a spectacular increase of 44.1% over income for May
a year ago!
This lifts the year-to-date increase to 17% over the same
period in 1982.
Another very pleasing result was that our number of co-workers jumped by 42
during May--the first substantial increase for many months.
New visit
requests kept coming in strongly, and new visits for the year to date are
now up by exactly 50% over last year.
Mail was up dramatically too, with 8,767 pieces received during May--an
increase of 81.6% over May of last year. Donation mail for the month was up