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rials for building Solomon's Temple. The Revised Standard Version has it
(Isa. 54:11) "set your stones in antimony." "Antimony, colored stones" in
I Chronicles 29:2.
The King James has it, for Isaiah 54:11: "I will lay thy stones with
fair colours," and in I Chronicles 29:2, "glistering stones, and of divers
The Hebrew word used in Job cannot be translated "eye-paint," as
liberals tried to do to justify the use of make-up.
There is NO scripture which in any manner shows make-up or face-chang­
ing--whether by paint or plucking and changing eyebrows--to be approved or
such example by a virtuous woman. Every reference is connected with evil
women and with evil purpose.
After all, SIN is not the thing but the ATTITUDE and the USE of the
thing in response to a wrong attitude.
SIN is violation of God's spiritual LAW. And that violation always- is
an ATTITUDE and intention contrary to LOVE toward God and neighbor, and/or
the acting upon such attitude or intention.
We live in a world swayed and influenced completely by Satan, the god
of this world. The world has its "life styles." They are basically con­
trary to God's WAY of life-..:.which is LOVE toward God and toward neighbor,
and toward self only in the sense of preserving health·of mind and body as
the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Some women have mistakenly used the term "good grooming" to include
and to justify painting colored dirt on the face and plucking eyebrows and
painting in f�lse ones. That is no part of "good grooming."
Let me explain "good grooming" from GOD'S point of view. In my book
"The Missing Dimension in Sex," on page 30, is an example of God's "good
Notice the expression, "The ETERNAL God...clothed them."
Hebrew word God inspired Moses to write here, for "clothed," is
labash. It does not mean to cover shamefulness--to hide naked­
ness--or any suchmeaning.
The Hebrew word meaning to conceal nakedness is kasah. But the
word Moses was inspired to write, labash, means, rather, the
donning of apparel, raiment. It refers rather to outer garments
than underclothing. It implies the idea of adorning, or decorat-
ing, or displaying, rather than concealing or covering over, or
This adorning by God did not cover the face. Good grooming is a term
that does not refer to face-changing, but to a clean face, modestly but
well-arranged hair, and proper attire, or clothing. Webster's Dictionary
defines "groom" as "to make neat or attractive.
An impeccably groomed
woman." This, of course, is from the world's concept of grooming. However,
"to make neat" might apply to hair or clothing, but not to the face. And
God's teaching on grooming is modesty and meekness, not worldly show or