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I realize you never ask for contributions or try to solicit funds
in any way. But I was simple-minded enough to wonder how it was
possible for you and those affiliated with the Worldwide Church
of God to financially support the true message of God. And then
one day it hit me like a ton of bricks. God's true Church will
always have all the financial backing it needs. And now that I'm
aware of what I should have known long ago, I'll be a full sup­
porter in every way I can.
Enclosed you will find a tenth of what God has provided for me.
I'm sending it to you because for the first time in my life I can
truly feel that it will be used to help spread God's message to
W.M. (Savannah, GA)
How uniquel In a world where every organization has its hand out
for money, you people return my measly little check. Well, here
is my reply: a check for $50 to apply as you see fit to spread
Christ's wonderful message. There will be more to follow at in­
I will probably keep that first check in a place
clearly visible as a reminder that you mean what you say.
L.F. (Milwaukie, OR)
This letter is to let you know that I have really enjoyed your
PLAIN TRUTH magazine the past year and being part of the PLAIN
TRUTH family. I wish to congratulate you on the fine job you are
doing in bringing the news of world events. Keep on doing the
fine job you are doing in the years to come. I have enclosed a
little something to help you in your work. I know that I am not
obligated to send anything, but I feel deeply inspired to help.
R.T. (Washington, o.c.)
Mr. Armstrong's message is like a breath of fresh air and I hope
he lives a long, long time. I've been watching his program for
years. He's been giving a lot and I feel like I need to give
something back.
P.T. (Hackensack, NJ)
Just a note to tell all of you there at YOUTH 83 how much I enjoy
your magazine. I look forward to reading it each month. I also
am so grateful that you offer your magazine at no cost, and yet
you're not asking for offerings. It is this type of organization
I am more apt to contribute to. Therefore, enclosed is a small
offering of thanks. God is blessing me and I'm sure many others
through your magazine.
J.D. (Fenton, MI)
Never before have I listened to a religious program or attended a
religious service without giving money to the program or church
being put forth.
Sometimes it made me wonder about their
I have always felt that God was loving and g1v1ng. Now for the
first time I have seen it in action in a pure way on your program.
I know you do not request money; however, would you use the en­
closed check to further your work?
W.A. (Iberia, MO)