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were thousands of subscribers waiting to go on the list, so this increase in
circulation has not cost anything in terms of promotion or advertising.
Membership is growing steadily with a seven percent increase over March,
1982. Passover attendance was up 23% and holy day attendance up eleven per­
cent, though the average of the two holy day offerings was down eight per­
cent--reflecting the dire economic and social conditions affecting our
members there.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Steady Growth Continues Through First Quarter of 1983
Outgoing Mail: The number of magazines, booklets and letters in the U.S.
last month again topped the five million mark!
This raises the year-to­
date total of outgoing mail to 15,204,000 pieces which is an all-time
record and a 20 percent increase over last year's January-March count.
Bible Course: Thousands of new people are requesting the AMBASSADOR COLLEGE
BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE. In the first three months of this year nearly
one-half million lessons have been sent out in the U.S. alone and 52,593 new
students have enrolled. This is a remarkable 122 percent increase over the
number added in January-March 1982.
Coworkers/Donors: We are experiencing steady growth in the numbers of cQ­
workers and donors. The count for coworkers this year has averaged more
than 42,000--a 23 percent increase over the same period last year. The
count for donors has averaged 85,000--up 36 percent from last year.
Why People Donate to the Work
Readers and listeners often mention why they have decided to tithe or con­
tribute to God's Work. Many tell us they appreciate the broadcasts and
literature and are moved to want to help. Others are amazed that donations
are not sought!
Most begin to recognize that this Work is carried out
according to God's way of "give" as Mr. Armstrong has so often said. Here
are some interesting comments along these lines:
I can't tell you how much
enjoy each issue of The PLAIN TRUTH.
It's a magazine I wholeheartedly share with family and friends.
I'm so warmly impressed with the way you offer this magazine and
all of your publications to the public. We are being hounded
constantly by many ministers using worldly tactics and psychology
to get money from people. In contrast, your method is scriptural
and in keeping with the spirit of Christi so much so that it makes
me want to give more than ever.
Because of
lessons, all
great truths
mere thanks,
J.M. (Ocala, FL)
the booklets on different topics, and my Bible, many
have been revealed to me. I owe you much more than
but there's no way in this world I can ever repay