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I have just received Lesson 4 of the AMBASSADOR COLLEGE BIBLE
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE and must thank you for such a revealing,
challenging Bible study. One of the best points of the course is
its "meaty" composition as opposed to "milk." The course puts
one in a position to know the truth or to run from it.
T.H. (Fayetteville, NC)
I have just finished my fifth lesson, and I simply must tell you
how much I am enjoying and learning from these Bible lessons.
They are making the Bible so much clearer and easier for me to
understand. After each lesson I can truly say that I have become
a lot wiser in the knowledge of God.
Mrs. J.M. (Wallisville, TX)
I have been attending church services for the past five weeks.
Through literature I have ordered from you, I have learned more
than ever about the Eternal and how much He loves all of His
When I was 16, I started taking the CORRESPONDENCE COURSE from
you. I regret to say that I stopped at the fifth lesson, as I
felt it was a burden. Now that I am a few years older, I know
better. I am now taking the CORRESPONDENCE COURSE again. I know
now that there is nothing concerning God that is burdensome--His
commandments are not a burden.
J.W. (Pine Knot, KY)
Thank you again for the wonderful BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE. I
am working on Lesson 15 now and am learning the most amazing
things that I never knew before.
R.F. (Citrus Heights, CA)
I want to thank all of you for the wonderful job that you are
doing with the BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE. The lessons are all
great and are such a great help to me. They make the Bible so
clear and easy to understand. I was so glad to receive Test Four
for Lessons 13-16. This is the first test that I have received
that was to be returned for correction since sometime in the late
'60s. I really missed that in the 12-lesson course. Thank you.
Mrs. L.L. (Eighty Four, PA)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
THE PRESIDENT AND HIS CRITICS Today (Thursday, March 31) President Reagan
delivered a major address in Los Angeles on the subject of East-West rela­
tions and arms control.
Dr. Hoeh and I were in attendance at the Los
Angeles World Affairs Council luncheon.
The President's address was a follow-up to his announcement the previous
day in which he called upon the Soviet Union to negotiate an "interim agree­
ment" with Washington regarding intermediate-range nuclear missiles. Under
terms of such an agreement, revising America's previous "zero option"
offer, the U.S. would scale down the number of new missiles to be deployed
in Western Europe in return for the Soviets dismantling some of their