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According to our mail monitors, delivery time for the CORRESPONDENCE
COURSE, which is sent by slower third class mail, is about four weeks. The
average number of lessons being sent out monthly is now over 150,000.
We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the over 200
brethren who serve as mail monitors throughout the U.S.
Their valuable
assistance in gathering data for our surveys is greatly appreciated.
Every week we receive many comments about the BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE.
Students are amazed at the information the lessons contain and are excited
about how much they are learning from the Bible. Following are some of the
comments we have received.
For quite some time I have been reading the Bible and trying to
understand what it was all about. I couldn't for the life of me
make heads or tails or it--that is, until this past year, with
the help of your BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE. This has got to be
the most simple way to understand the meaning of God's Word. I
could possibly have stumbled through the Bible for the rest of my
life and still not understood what it was all about. You have
opened my eyes, my mind, and my life.
(Glen Lyon, PA)
I cannot express how much I appreciate this course. I thank God
for giving me the opportunity to really begin to understand what
the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about. I found that you do not
go by tradition or denomination, but by the true Gospel of Jesus
This is a real awakening for me, for I have had to become un­
learned to become relearned, and this is only the first lesson!
Through Lesson 1 I have found out just how much God really loves
me. Things are beginning to really come together for me in the
Word of God, for there was so much that I was taught that had no
foundation and I was left with so many questions with no answers.
I am eagerly awaiting Lesson 2.
Y.S. (West Palm Beach, FL)
I received your Lesson 1 about three weeks ago and found it very
interesting and informative. The quality of the material used in
the printing and format are exceptionally good, along with the
presentation of the information.
K.S. (Westminster, CA)
I am in receipt of Lesson 2 and am overwhelmed with the simpli­
city and beauty of its presentation. I think I'll always love
the Bible after this, because of the manner in which it was pre­
sented to me. I am studying the Bible in relation to my life and
to current events. It is marvelous! I have a thirst for knowl­
edge, and all the money in the world couldn't have brought me
more happiness than these Bible lessons.
M.L. (Opa Locha, FL)