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We were so blessed to go to Pasadena for the first time in our
lives! We were very impressed by the deep harmony prevailing on
the campus. All is beautiful physically and spiritually, even
though it is not yet perfect. The instruction was quite enrich­
ing and we found the humility and simplicity of our teachers very
encouraging and inspiring to us.
The Sabbath after we returned home, the members were very eager
to hear about you, God's work and the campus. We had a lot to
tell them and photos to show them. Be assured they do love you
and pray for you!
Sincerely "MERCI," dear Mr. Armstrong, for all you do, and for
all our God inspires you to do! We want to thank Mr. Apartian
too; he gave all the French-speaking ministers a lot of his time
and help, as usual. We felt as if we were kings and queens.
Jacques and Jacqueline Le Houedec
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you very much for a very refreshing thirteenth Refreshing
Program. It truly is a fantastic program and we were happy to be
a part of it.
Thank all the ministers who devote their time and concern for us.
God is really putting us back on track, as we saw the love, co­
operation, unity and concern at Headquarters.
We wouldn't have missed this thirteenth session for "all the gold
in China." Every minute was so precious to us. God bless you and
Headquarters very much.
Harry and Dolly Bente
Dear Mr. Tkach:
The first Refreshing Program was excellent. The second was even
more excellent. I wonder what the next one is going to be like!
Though I was behind the door, translating for the French-speaking
ministers a good part of the time, it was still a spiritual re­
juvenation to me. Thanks for allowing God to fill you with His
wonderful ways.
I am convinced that if all of your staff had not played such a
part in the preparation and in the giving of these lectures,
praying, fasting and studying, God's glory would not have shone
so much. I know a man can only accomplish what he allows God to
work through him. By all these fruits, all of you had to draw
close to God. So, thanks for allowing God to work through you.
Thanks for making "old truths" become new and refreshing, and for
your kindness and availability.
All the French ministers conveyed these same feelings to me and
would like all who had a part in the program to know that. From
the bottom of my heart, MERCI! MERCI! MERCI!
Bernard Hongerloot