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I am
a university
instructor and teach a United Nations designed
course on world food and energy problems, which covers all man's
physical problems including transportation, starvation, educa­
tion, health, housing, pollution, etc., and a biblical perspec­
tive on many of these issues, including how these problems will
be solved in the world tomorrow. I have used articles from The
PLAIN TRUTH on these areas, finding them excellent and have re­
ceived some of your other publications, as well as learning from
your television show.
I have somewhat of a big request of you today and dearly hope you
can fill it. I have organized a 300-book international develop­
ment lending library along with hundreds of pamphlets, articles,
etc., including the Bible and books concerning the Bible. Hun­
dreds of students make use of and will continue to make use of
this library in the future. I would like to add as many of your
organization's booklets, articles, and pamphlets as is possible
for you to send to me, as they are all relevant to my mission.
D.N. (Greenfield, MA)
Thank you for sending me your literature. It keeps me alive and
sane. I listen often when you are on the radio. We have been
music teachers for many years and have a studio in our home where
I place your PLAIN TRUTH, etc., on the coffee table for our stu­
dents and their parents and friends to read--so I feel that we
are helping to spread the Gospel in that way.
E.K. (Princeton, NJ)
I must tell you how much all your reading
material is
needed and
appreciated. Members of my family and friends wait for me to
read and share them. I can tell you they are read and reread by
14 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. The PLAIN TRUTH is
worn out after it gets all around to all who enjoy reading it.
E.M • (Brea, CA)
We read your magazines from cover to cover. Whenever I have a
doctor's appointment I place the magazine, after I've read it, in
his office waiting room for others to read. Also, sometimes I
give them to a neighbor.
Mrs. R.P. (Edmonds, WA)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
WHAT'S WRONG WITH AUSTRALIA? The day before the critical March 6 West Ger­
man national elections--hopefully to be analyzed in this column next week-­
voters in another key Western country go to the polls:
Australia. The
Liberal Party's Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, at seven years the second­
longest reigning P.M. in Australian history, is fighting the biggest battle
of his political career. Down by 10% in the polls, Fraser (who has come
from behind before) is being stiffly challenged by Bob Hawke, a charismatic
former top labor union boss, now heading the Labor Party ticket. Hawke, age
53, is said to have coveted his nation's top job since his boyhood days in