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Dear Mr. Tkach:
Dana and I would like to express our appreciation for Refreshing
Program number two.
We found the lectures to be convicting,
stimulating, and provocative.
We were
especially moved
Armstrong's lecture, the slide presentation of the shepherd, and
the update of God's hand in the growth of the media. Of course,
we enjoyed the positive experience of renewing old friendships
and developing new ones in God's ministry.
Michael and Dana Greider
Dear Joe:
This Refreshing Program outstripped the last one and proved to be
a real boon. It was physically tiring but very encouraging both
mentally and spiritually. To experience the Holy Spirit of God
working throughout the program was wonderful and even a little
amazing (though it shouldn't have seemed so). The evidence piled
up that God continues to be with us in power and unity. The proof
was easy to see "in the pudding" and in the fruits.
Please extend our gratefulness to all of those who contributed to
our joy and fulfillment from the maid at the apartment (if, in­
deed, she be the least), to the hairdresser, all of your staff,
the lecturers, yourself, and especially Mr. Armstrong for making
it possible.
Wonder of wonders--Carlton Green lost the battle!
lightful surprise to find that
weighed "back"
weight at which
went "in." How about that?
It was a de­
at the same
There is no doubt that God will stand by us as we go on serving
and obeying Him in the feeding of the flock and giving witness to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the entire world.
"Doc" and Bertie Zimmerman
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
"Direct Terminal Entry" Increases MPC Efficiency
Thousands of telephone calls--now averaging over 14,000 a week--continue to
pour in over our WATS lines. A new method of taking information from these
calls is now being used by several of our WATS operators. Normally, an
operator writes down the name, address, literature requested, radio or TV
station, etc., on a card which is then forwarded to our Terminals Section
where the information is typed into the computer.
Now, after months of extensive testing of this new method, several phone
operators are typing the information directly into a computer terminal
while talking on the phone.
This new program, called "Direct Terminal
Entry," has several advantages:
Increased Accuracy Direct Terminal Entry eliminates possible errors
that could be made by a telephone operator, such as taking a request