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Unusual Financial Blessings
Occasionally, members and co-workers send in tithes and offerings from un­
usual gifts and blessings.
This week we are featuring several letters
describing some of these blessings.
You might be interested to hear what God has done for us since I
began tithing. About a year· ago, we were living in a real dump.
The house was in such bad shape that the termites had deserted
us. The wiring was so bad that only two overhead lights in the
whole house worked.
It was so hard to heat, even with a wood
stove, that water dripping in the bathtub froze before it could
run out the drain.
There was a three-year urban renovation program going on in our
neighborhood. At the very end of the program, after we had given
up hope, they decided to take in our property. Under federal law
we were eligible for up to $15,000 in relocation benefits. This
paid for a very nice brand-new mobile home. It also covered the
cost of drilling a well, building a driveway, and buying and in­
stalling a septic tank. If having a free home practically handed
to you is not a blessing, I don't know what is!
M.S. (Maryville, TN)
This substantial offering is the result of an insurance settle­
ment from a car wreck I was involved in a year and a half ago.
The policeman and others who saw the car were amazed I was not
killed on the spot. God very definitely intervened and protected
me. I am more than happy to now be able to give an extra amount
to the Work that would not have been possible otherwise.
T.T. (Bartonville, IL)
My PT stand is at my husband's service station. Last week a cus­
tomer gave him $20 for gas and instructed him to "throw the
balance on this," pointing to the PTs. The bill came to $19.80.
The customer returned with a five-dollar bill and said to add
that to the twenty-cent balance.
Mrs. G.H. (Oklahoma City, OK)
I know that God's law of tithing works.
Concerning gleaning,
after we pick a crop, we usually donate ten to twenty percent to
the food bank, then we go home and donate another thirty to forty
percent to people who are in need. Pretty soon we have so much
food on hand, it is difficult to get rid of. The more we try to
give to the needy the more we receive and sometimes it gets so
ridiculous I wish I knew how to shut it off.
Concerning money, I never gave it much thought before. It seemed
that we always had just enough to go from one pay day to the next
if we were very lucky and watched every penny like a hawk. I am
now ready to give God's law of tithing with money a chance. En­
closed is a check.
D.J. (Portland, OR)
Three days after I was baptized into God's Church, I was awakened
at 3:30 a.m. by an unusually sharp pain in my stomach. I got up