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in the Portsmouth area (Adams) has the highest percentage of un
employment in the state of Ohio with 26.2%, and the county with
the largest number of members (Scioto) is not far behind with an
unemployment rate of 22%. In spite of these figures, God has
blessed all but one of our men with some kind of employment. In
many cases the jobs do not pay very well, but at least our men
have jobs.
We are indeed very grateful to our Creator and
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
International Mail Center Serves a Growing Worldwide Work
The Work of God is continuing to see encouraging growth throughout the
world. As the regional offices of the Work help in this great harvest, they
are served in a number of ways by the International Mail Center (IMC}, which
is part of the Mail Processing Center here in Pasadena. Here is a brief
description of this section's activities and service.
In 1982, as part of Mr. Armstrong's desire to standardize mail processing
procedures worldwide and build greater unity, Mr. Ron Urwiller from the
International Mail Center and I made visits to most of the regional
offices. Channels of communication were opened at that time to exchange
facts and ideas. Since then, IMC has served as a link between MPC and the
regional offices for mail processing matters. Many ways have been found to.
serve the international offices more effectively and to improve the two-way
flow of information.
IMC maintains subscription lists and files for several international areas
and languages which do not have access to a computer. At present, this
includes the Dutch, German, Italian, New Zealand, Philippines and South
African subscription lists as well as English-language readers in the CarĀ­
ibbean, Central and South America and Japan.
Mail is received and read in each regional office, then names of new people
or changes to the files are sent regularly to IMC where this data is entered
into the computer. Address labels, listings and reports are then returned
to the regional offices as needed.
A number of mailings to international areas are prepared and sent directly
from Pasadena. These include literature requests for the Caribbean, Y.E.S.
Bible lessons, Mr. Armstrong's semiannual letters to the Philippines and
many others. All the necessary coordinating and scheduling for these jobs
is provided by IMC.
By utilizing the services of IMC, the offices enjoy the advantages of a
large computer and its support staff, without the costs of owning or
leasing their own system. In addition, there are ways to mail to other
countries from here, through both the U.S. Postal Service and private
couriers, which are fast and economical. Due to steady worldwide growth,
the International Mail Center has been kept very busy during the past year.
Nearly all of the subscription lists it maintains doubled in size during
1982. All the signs so far this year indicate that this upward trend will