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Letter Comments From International Areas
This week we are featuring comments received in some of the international
offices in response to The PLAIN TRUTH, "The World Tomorrow" program and
our other literature. God's true Gospel is having an impact everywhere it
is proclaimed. Surely, the Gospel is reaching nations around the world
just as Jesus Christ prophesied.
Quite recently a friend of mine showed me your November/December,.
1982 publication which I read with great interest.
I was so
impressed by some of the articles that I wonder whether it would
be possible for you to put this consulate on your mailing list.
If, as it would appear, you have some other publications
available, we would certainly be most grateful if you could spare
a copy of each. Looking forward to hearing from you at your conĀ­
venience and thanking you in anticipation.
A.C., Consul of Chile {Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA)
I have been reading The PLAIN TRUTH now for over a year and have
always found it a very interesting magazine. Together with the
booklets you have sent me, it has opened my eyes to some of the
facts of the Bible. You are really making me understand the
Bible and see things in their right perspective.
I am
particularly touched by the way you relate God's words to today's
Lastly, I thank you for your efforts to tell the
people about the Kingdom of God yet to come.
E.B. {Lugazi Kampala, UGANDA)
I used to be a junkie but after reading one of your articles on
drugs, I truly feel that I have been cleansed. Your magazine
works as a lifeline to the British society's outcasts. Please
publish this letter so that others that may feel the same way
will not be afraid to make public their views.
D.B. (Windsor, Berks., U.K.)
I would like to express my appreciation for the valuable material
you have sent me.
The PLAIN TRUTH was of great value to my
friends and me at school. Your copies carry really important
facts. My social life has risen to a better level and my attitude
towards life itself has changed drastically.
since leaving
school and venturing into the cruel world, I find that I have
received the answers to most of my problems.
(Via Dete,
I've been reading The PLAIN TRUTH since the summer of 1980. It is
the only magazine that I eagerly wait for, believe in and read
from cover to cover. I feel that says a lot. Thank you. I'm
already looking forward to the first copy of .my subscription to
I would like to thank you for the offer to
subscribe to it.
E.K. (Stadtbergen, WEST GERMANY)
For several years I have been reading your booklets, and am now
on Lesson 12 of your CORRESPONDENCE COURSE. I have come from
disputing your statements to realising you are presenting God's