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equipment in a small room in back of the building, one of the only
rooms not destroyed in the fire!
Our loss was slight--one
cabinet with some papers in it and a piano.
God really protected
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Readers Appreciate Free Literature
We continuously receive comments from readers and listeners expressing
startled surprise that our literature is absolutely free. Such comments as
"you never ask for money" are a frequent occurrence. It's difficult for
them to believe that our offer is real. Those with limited incomes are
especially grateful that such high-quality publications come without
charge. Although it is not Mr. Armstrong's policy to solicit the public for
funds, it is encouraging to note the numbers who voluntarily send in free­
will offerings to help support God's Work. The following are examples of
some of the letters received.
I want to commend you for what you are doing to help humanity
.•.• I enjoy your magazine very much because it deals with varied
subjects like family, health, science, religion, world affairs,
etc. What I don't understand is how you can publish such a
wonderful magazine and not charge anything for it.
Mrs. F. (Hollywood, FL)
Thank you for the magazine The PLAIN TRUTH--! have really enjoyed
the articles in it. It is completely unbiased, and in this world
in which most look out for number one, it is refreshing to get
something absolutely free.
However, I'm enclosing a check to
help you in your ministry of preaching the Gospel.
R . D. (Bisbee, Az )
One of the things that has made my life livable is the gospel of
Jesus Christ. A good share of the knowledge I have comes from The
PLAIN TRUTH and your other publications.
And you have never
asked for one cent.
J.B. (Deland, FL)
I want to say that I'm very impressed with The PLAIN TRUTH; it has
enlightened all the family in one way or another. We all read it
and appreciate it so much. Even though you are the only organi­
zation that doesn't beg for money, I feel that God would have me
send you this check.
Mrs. B.S. (Elizabethton, TN)
Bless you a thousandfold for all the precious reading materials
you've sent me already.
Your ministry is surely of God--you
never ask for any money. So enclosed is a check to put towards
the Lord's ministry of teaching the good news.
R.M. (Hayward, CA)
I like the manner in which you make God's Word available to
people. There are no sales of tapes or other religious material