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Comments From Monthly Church Reports
WICHITA, KS--JUDD KIRK: There is much excitement among the mem­
bers each time we receive a letter from Mr. Armstrong. Local and
world conditions are causing real anticipation for the Kingdom.
LONG BEACH, CA--LES McCOLM: Average attendance is up consider­
ably this month. Mr. Armstrong's tape was extremely effective-­
especially with the newer PMs who have been recently invited. I
have noticed that the new PMs are more "educated" in the doc­
trines of God
s Church and in world events.
There have been
several requests for baptism.
Mr. Armstrong's comments about
qualifying to become teachers has had a profound effect on most
here. This is evidenced in more Bible study, more diligence in
members solving their problems and seeking more counsel from
God's Word.
SAN ANTONIO, TX--GREGORY L. SARGENT: We've had a tremendous in­
crease in PM activity this month. I have received more letters
asking for visits than at any time in the history of my ministry.
The telecast and newsstand program are really beginning to take
effect. Besides the 11 PMs visited last month, there are seven
others waiting for visits right now. Most of the PMs are singles
rather than families--a sign of our times and the breakdown of
the family.
TULSA, OK--DONALD E. MASON: There has been quite a surge in new
PM activity this month. Mr. Armstrong's telecasts are having a
positive impact on the area.
We are seeing good growth (new
subscriptions) in the PT newsstand program.
DES MOINES, IA--ROBERT L. CLONINGER: Many of the young singles
who have grown up in God's Church are beginning to counsel for
Lately our PMs have been solid, filled with a first
love and eager to learn.
The Findlay area used to be very
prosperous, but the economic problems of the nation have now
caught up with it. Gradually, more brethren are being laid off
their jobs and are unable to find even minimum wage work for a
temporary period of time. The Church, in a number of cases, is
all they have to look to for help once their benefits run out.
KANSAS CITY (EAST)' KS--RUSSELL DUKE: I appreciated the instruc­
tions regarding men's clubs. The theme ideas add an educational
dimension for all. We've had quite an influx of PMs with some
very interested.
Have spent considerable time giving marital
counsel with some marked improvements.
The building the Trenton Church
met in burned down in November. Had it happened a month earlier
we would have lost all our equipment, including a lecturn,
speaker amplifier, chorale risers, PT stands, etc.
three weeks before the fire, the management insisted we store our