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PHOENIX, AR--MARK CARDONA: Our number of PMS has gone off the
scale--I received seven letters in one day! Now it's hustle to
contact and visit them.
Mr. Armstrong's efforts through the
telecast here are really producing results!
A two-year-old girl went
through 10 days of seizures averaging one an hour. Doctors at
St. Louis Children's Hospital could find no cause. After I asked
members to fast and pray fervently, she began to improve, and has
now recovered with no apparent damage. She had over 200 sei­
zures--most of them nearly a minute long, and still no cause is
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
TV Response for 1982 Sets All-time Record!
Mr. Armstrong's message had considerable impact on the viewing audience in
1982. Last year 484,526 people responded to "The World Tomorrow" tele­
vision program in the United States--a new all-time record. This outstand­
ing response surpasses the previous mark set in 1975. About 80% of the
viewers responded by phone and the other 20% by letter.
A Reminder About Annual Receipts (U.S. Only)
We plan to mail annual receipts for 1982 on January 20�21. They will be
sent by first class mail and should be received nationwide by the first week
in February. Since some members may wonder why they are not mailed sooner,
we thought it would be helpful to explain.
All donations postmarked by December 31, 1982 are credited on the annual
receipts for that year. Because year-end delays in mail delivery are com­
mon, it may take until the second week of January to receive all such con­
tributions. Another few days are then required to record them in our com­
puter files. This extra time helps ensure that all individuals' donation
records are as complete and accurate as possible before the annual receipts
are mailed.
We would also like to mention that this receipt is for the contributor's
personal records; the IRS does not require it to be included with tax
returns. Those wishing to file returns before receiving the receipt can do
so using their own financial records.
TV Audience Greatly Impressed by Auditorium Special
Mr. Armstrong's telecast featuring the Ambassador Auditorium and College
chorale was aired in late November and again this past January 1-2 weekend.
This program brought an unusually high number of comments. Viewers were
very impressed with the grandeur and beauty of the Auditorium. Many re­
quested pictures of the building and several inquired about the concert
series. Below are some of the letter and phone comments received:
Words fail me to express how impressed I was with the beauty and
quality of our great House for God. I want to express the feeling