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Even though our "ends" had to endure many hours of class, the
review, new knowledge and spiritual stimulation was well worth
it. Meeting old and new friends in the ministry also added to our
enjoyment. When one considers that every full-time minister and
many who aren't full-time have an opportunity to attend these
refreshing programs, it is easy to see why the unity and coopera­
tion in the Work is increasing. We will look forward to coming
back in a year or two to MRP III.
Mike and Sandy Swagerty
Thanks for Special Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Just a few words from
ciation for making
Refreshing Program.
California area near
this great program.
my wife and myself to relate our deep appre­
possible the "Sunday only" Ministerial
We are very blessed to be in the Southern
Headquarters so that we can take part in
We wish to thank you and all the individuals we had as instruc­
tors in person for giving us your time on Sunday.
We, too,
acknowledge the need for all to speak the same thing; and for us
to hear God's Word explained and expounded "live," and to be able
to then ask questions was a real blessing indeed.
We never tire of learning, and hope we'll do better -in giving be­
cause of the greater depth of knowledge we have received.
Mel and Pat Williams
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
GREENSBORO, NC--DAN ROGERS: God's Church here is growing tremen­
dously unified in the face of severe health and economic trials.
Many have told me they've never seen so much love and unity in the
Church as now. All were sobered by Mr. Armstrong's recent letter
and are very much looking forward to a better world to come after
today's trials and evils.
WHEELING, wv--R. A. FUESSEL: Members are strong spiritually--be­
coming more anxious for God's Kingdom as this present world
rapidly goes down and out. Mr. Armstrong's recent letter moved
everyone. Members sense that time is very short and that present
suffering isn't worthy to be compared to the reward ahead for the
People's spirits were stirred by
Mr. Armstrong's letter of November 22. In light of economic and
other trends in society, some are being extra cautious with
regard to major decisions such as the purchase of a home.
PM activity
this area. Five baptisms this month. Also,
moving into the area from churches up north.
attendance is filling the entire hall.
is increasing in
more brethren are
Sabbath service