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Increased Numbers Turn to God's Work for Help With Personal Problems
Over the years many people have written to the Work for specific advice and
answers regarding their personal problems.
In the past two years, and
especially of recent date, the number of such requests has increased
This upsurge reflects the revitalization and extended
coverage of "The World Tomorrow" program, the GOOD NEWS, the CORRESPONDENCE
COURSE and stronger PLAIN TRUTH articles.
Readers and listeners are impressed with the sincerity and conviction that
Mr. Armstrong conveys on the program, and the clarity of the Gospel as ex­
pounded in the Work's publications. Many seem to recognize this as being
the very Work of God. As a result, they reach out with trust and confi­
dence, seeking help with lifelong questions and problems. These include
marital conflicts, financial woes and a host of other related difficulties.
Many people plagued with illness or disease request our prayers. Either a
personal reply or appropriate literature is sent to help comfort and
encourage those who look to this Work.
Surely God's Work is having an impact on this nation and the world. The
Gospel message of the Kingdom of God is being proclaimed in greater power
than ever before!
November Co-worker/Member Letter Has Powerful Impact
The response to Mr. Armstrong's November 22 co-worker/member letter has
been well above average. His warning message about events now shaping up in
Europe stirred many members and co-workers to take stock of themselves.
Following are excerpts from some of the letters received.
Your last letter dated November 22 was indeed sobering. So are
the newspaper articles and radio and TV news concerning world
events. Because of your organization, these happenings have much
more meaning to me, and I'm grateful for the insight you provide.
I pray that God will continue to bless your efforts.
B.B. (High Point, NC)
Here is a special offering in response to your latest co-worker
letter. I have been hearing about the rise of the beast power
since 1962, and can see it developing in such an obvious way.
Your letter should be enough to "fire me up" into complete sub­
jection to God's way.
W.H. (Santa Monica, CA)
We recently received your letter concerning recent developments
in Europe and found it very sobering. This world is fast ap­
proaching the close of an age and we hope and pray we can have a
part in ushering in God's wonderful world tomorrow. We continue
to support you and will pray for you concerning your personal
trials, and we thank you for your prayers for us, too!
J.&.S.L. (Canton, MI)
I received your co-worker letter yesterday, and am convinced that
we must be prepared for the end of this age very soon, especially