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other information you can provide us, will greatly assist in making dorm
assignments and in our counseling and other dealings with the individual.
If you need more forms, please call the Y. O. U. Off ice in Pasadena at
(213)577-5720 and more will be sent to you immediately.
Note to Canadian Pastors: A large quantity of applications is being ship­
ped directly to the Vancouver office. All Canadian ministers should please
direct any interested youth to write or call directly to the office in
Vancouver for their applications.
Thanks for Special Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I have just had the honor and privilege of being able to attend a
special "weekend version" of the Ministerial Refreshing Program,
held on six Sundays after the Feast. Local Church Elders from
Southern California gathered for the specially condensed program.
Last year, we attended a special session also, but at that time
all lectures and presentations were on videotape. We had assumed
it would be the same this year; however, on the first day, Mr.
Tkach informed us that we would have "live" lecturers. What a
difference that has made! The opportunity to ask questions and
talk further with the lecturer made a world of difference!
Thank you so much for making this valuable material available to
us in this special way. I certainly couldn't afford to take even
one week off from my job to attend a "conventional" session
during the week. But this way, those of us serving at the local
church level can receive this priceless information without
having to sacrifice our jobs or income. Thanks be to God and to
you for your strong, loving leadership.
Larry Dietrich
Member Moved by Sermon Tape
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I was tremendously moved and stirred up last Sabbath when I heard
your taped message. It must be the most important and sobering
sermon we have ever had. I want to thank you with all my heart
for the very great effort you gave to your subject and for
getting across to us the gravity of the state of the world, and
our need to work harder, pray more fervently and fast more often
so that we would be worthy of our calling.
I do want you to know that we love you and support you; that we
pray for you and do our best to take in all you say to us. You
give us incentive and encouragement. I would like to be able to
reciprocate this encouragement and obvious care that you radiate
on the TV program here in Brisbane each week. You are indeed a
miracle for which we thank the Eternal always.
Member, Queensland, Australia
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services