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Biggest Year Ever for Responses to God's Work!
It's official! This year now stands alone as the all-time record year for
mail and phone responses to God's Work. The previous records in both cate-
gories were broken this past week (December 4-11).
Total incoming mail has reached 3,603,840 pieces. Total WATS calls is now
581,662. This equals over four million responses in all, as compared to 3.6
million responses in 1973, which was the previous record year. There are
still three full weeks in December for additional letters and calls to be
added before the final figures are in for 1982.
Computer Assigned Media (CAM) Benefits WORLD TOMORROW Programming
Keeping track of the radio and TV stations by which people come in contact
with God's truth has always been an important tool for the Work. This data
is extremely useful to Media Services in determining what stations are most
effective and productive. This was a manual task until recently, consuming
many hours. Now, Data Processing's computer at Pasadena has been program­
med to do the work for us in minutes.
Here's how it works.
The date, time, literature requested and the in­
dividual's zip code for each TV or radio response is fed into the computer,
which then automatically assigns the call letters of the TV or radio
station the person would most likely be responding to. Once all requests
from an aired program have been entered, the computer calculates the total
response from each station. These statistics are collected each week and
sent on to Media Services for their study and evaluation.
Many Convicted by GOOD NEWS Articles on Tithing
Two recent articles in the October/November GOOD NEWS--"The Man Who
Couldn't Afford to Tithe" by Mr. Herbert
Armstrong and "Should a Non­
member Tithe?"
by Mr. Herman Hoeh--brought an unusually high mail re­
The large number of comments was probably due to the addition of thousands
of new readers to The GOOD NEWS since it was offered to AMBASSADOR COLLEGE
BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE students this past summer.
Undoubtedly the
economic recession and resulting hard times have led many to see the
importance of obeying God's financial laws.
Their personal trials have
inspired them to begin tithing and trust God to look after their needs.
Some sample letters follow:
I am sending in my first tithe.
I always thought I never had
enough money to tithe, but after reading The GOOD NEWS this
month, I see now how wrong my thinking has been. So here's the
first of, I hope, many tithes.
(Otsego, MI)
I have just finished reading your article on tithing.
I have
read other articles on the same subject, and have even sent money
before, but this time I just got a different feeling about it. So