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Big Sandy Faculty to Visit Pasadena:
Mr. Les McCullough--Friday, April 15th to Sunday, April 24th
Mr. Larry Salyer--Friday, January 21st to Sunday, January 30th
Pasadena Faculty to Visit Big Sandy:
Mr. Raymond McNair--Friday, January 28th to Sunday, February 6th
Mr. Greg Albrecht--Friday, February 25th to Sunday, March 6th
Dr. Roderick Meredith--Friday, April 15th to Sunday, April 24th
Also, Mr. Armstrong recently approved of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Antion accom­
panying the students to the Big Dig in Jerusalem this coming summer. Mr.
Antion has been employed in the Work as a minister and/or instructor for
nearly twenty years.
He and his wife have served the Work loyally all
through the turmoil which enveloped the Church and College during the try­
ing times of recent years. Mr. Antion served well in various church areas-­
primarily in the Toronto, Canada area. Now, he is carrying a heavy teaching
load at Ambassador, handling theology and speech classes. And he is very
busy counseling students. I am sure that Mr. and Mrs. Antion will both
enjoy and profit from their trip to, and service at, the Big Dig next
summer. We all rejoice to see them receive this wonderful opportunity.
God willing, we hope to send a minister of the faculty and his wife to serve
with the students at the Big Dig each summer--if funds permit. We ask your
continued prayers for Ambassador College--both campuses!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Receipt of PT Card Brings Queries From Members
Recently, we have received a number of queries from members and ministers
regarding their receipt of a card offering them a PLAIN TRUTH subscription.
This card was sent to all former QUEST subscribers. In discussions with Mr.
Armstrong and others, it was determined that if at all possible we should
recover some of our investment in the Foundation-owned QUEST subscription
list by mailing a card to the old QUEST list, advertising a PLAIN TRUTH
subscription. Since we own the list, this became a very attractive way to
recover some of the investment.
Some members and ministers who had previously been subscribers to QUEST
magazine would have naturally received a copy of the card. It would have
been much more expensive to have eliminated those names from the QUEST list
than to go ahead and send the card.
The mailing was extremely successful, and we have added many former QUEST
subscribers to our PLAIN TRUTH subscription list.
With this explanation, we would appreciate your handling any of the ques­
tions locally.
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services