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panied Mr. Armstrong, gave an interesting and inspiring Bible study and
slide presentation of their trip. Then, on the Sabbath, Mr. Armstrong gave
an inspiring sermon on the serious times in which we are living. He went
through a number of prophecies and showed how the soon-coming United States
of Europe is right now in the process of emerging. He said we do not have
long in which to complete God's Work. He urged all of us to follow his
example by really throwing ourselves into God's work--doing all within our
power before the night when no man can work closes in on us. It was a very
sobering sermon. I understand a tape recording is being sent out to all the
This coming Monday another group of ministers and their wives is scheduled
to attend the Ministerial Refreshing Program. It is always a joy to meet
you ministers and your wives at the MRP, and I am sure that you always look
forward to your turn at being back at Headquarters to see the unity, beauty,
love and progress with which God continues to bless the Headquarters of His
Work and those of us serving Him in this part of the Work.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
New Procedure for Reporting Church News
Because of inaccuracies cropping up in the Local Church News pages of The
WORLDWIDE NEWS, we are asking you pastors to please read over all contri­
butions to this section and to indicate your approval by signing the
article to be submitted. We do not want you or your area to inadvertently
be cast in a bad light. This situation will also allow you to be aware of
who is sending in reports to the paper.
Sometimes, people take it upon
themselves to send in material and our staff has no way of knowing if you
have appointed them as a reporter or whether you approve or not. We will
run a notice in the WN with the cutoff date for sending in unsigned mater­
We feel this change will also let you know the quality of material being
sent out from your area and whether the events reported on are of signifi­
cant value to the Church as a whole. Some reporters report on every activi­
ty in the area week after week without considering the broader interest
value of the material.
We feel the reports from your local Churches help tie the Church together as
a whole. They encourage service activities and stimulate ideas throughout
the Church worldwide. Please encourage your reporters to think quality-­
not quantity.
Thank you. We feel, with your help, we can raise the standard of the Local
Church News section in both interest and accuracy.
--Dexter H. Faulkner, Managing Editor
As 1982 draws to a close, many new records have been made in response to the
Gospel message. This week we are reporting three new records which con­
tribute substantially toward making this year the biggest yet in this
modern era of God's Work.