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to the ministry and seeking counsel about problems. Ladies Club
is a real boost for our women.
LOS ANGELES, CA--ABNER WASHINGTON: Members seemed to have been
better prepared to have a spiritual Feast. Most came back with a
keener awareness of our calling and a greater desire to serve.
Have had many
positive comments on the strength and spirituality of the Feast
sermons. This indicates that our congregation is growing spirit­
ually and is awake. Complaints about physical things concerning
the Feast were at an absolute minimum.
PM activity in Ft. Collins is continuing! It's been so encourag­
ing since the telecast has been on the Cheyenne TV station. Most
of the PMs are well informed and I expect them to develop into
(Pasadena Campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
We have only three weeks rema1n1ng in this semester before final exams will
be given. The students of Ambassador are doing very well both academically
and otherwise.
I would like to mention that we are still holding up the very high moral
(spiritual) standards of the College, and fully intend to see that Ambas­
sador is kept on the track. I like to think of us as being on track, but we
certainly can pick°up speed as we roll along God's track.
Occasionally, we have to deal with a student who has let down those high
standards, but we are not slow or dilatory in handling such problems. The
principle of a "rotten apple" in a basket of good apples still applies.
Also, we want to be sure to extend mercy and clemency when the attitude of
an erring student sufficiently warrants.
Everything is coming along very well with the Work here at Headquarters. I
think all of you know, however, that some influenced by Satan have during
the past few years initiated several lawsuits against the Work which serve
to be nothing but nuisances.
About two weeks ago, I had to give a
deposition concerning a lawsuit. Even though I only had to give my name, it
took most of the morning.
Remembering how the students and faculty of the College in the early years
used to set aside a day of fasting and prayer to get close to God and ask
for His intervention in various matters regarding God's Work, I suggested
in the forum on Tuesday (November 30th) that a day this coming weekend be
set aside for that purpose. I think nearly all of the students and faculty
plan on fasting (some few may have prior commitments which will delay their
fasts) this coming weekend--probably from Friday evening to the following
Mr. Herbert
Armstrong and party recently returned from a very successful
trip to Africa and Europe. Last Friday night, Mr. Gene Hogberg, who accom-