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summer and all we can possibly need for several months or even
years. In my job it sometimes looks as though I will have to take
a cut in hours, but it always turns out to be an increase for some
reason. Even though I only make $3.45 per hour, it helps to keep
us going. We have learned that come what may, we will give our
heavenly Father thanks.
Mrs. G.M. (Chippewa Lake, OH)
In Philippians 4:19 it says, "But my God shall supply all your
need according to his riches
glory by Christ Jesus." Even
though I have been unemployed for six months, I have found that
God will always tend to my needs as long as I obey Hirn. Some­
times, humanly speaking, a situation would look impossible, but I
would always find reassurance in prayer. When I least expect it,
my needs are taken care of in a way that defies all logic. Thus
am I in the state of mind spoken of in Philippians 4:6, "Be care­
ful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
R.G. (Moab, UT)
Rice, Mail Processing
DATELINE--LONDON, ENGLAND (November 22, 1982): Throughout Mr. Armstrong's
three-week trip to Africa and Europe he has been consistent in message
after message to both the brethren and PLAIN TRUTH readers. Time is short,
he warned. Watch, he said repeatedly, for the emergence--more sudden than
anyone would ever realize--of a United States of Europe. Religious unity
between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, he added, will be
an absolutely essential ingredient to such unity.
This theme was certainly borne out by news events as well as personal exper­
iences gained on our last two stops in Athens, Greece and Madrid, Spain-­
the last stop before arriving here in London. We spent two and one-half
days in the bustling Spanish capital, which is nearly bursting at the seams
with over three million people and, it would seem, almost as many cars!
For Mr. Armstrong, certainly one of the highlights of the entire trip
occurred in Madrid. He had a very cordial 40-minute long private audience
with King Juan Carlos I on Friday morning,
19th. I am sure Mr.
Armstrong will convey his impressions of the 44-year-old monarch in his own
I am convinced it was not a matter of mere happenstance that the Madrid
segment was scheduled into this overseas trip a number of months ago.
Certainly a lot transpired in the intervening time in this key European
country, much of it immediately preceding Mr. Armstrong's arrival.
Socialists' Triumphant Win
On Friday, October 29th the Spanish and
Workers' Party chalked up
an amazing victory in Spain's national elections, winning a clear majority
of seats in the Spanish Cortes, or parliament.
'rhe main opposition
rightist party also gained a good number of seats. The main loser was the