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Despite Unemployment, God Provides Needs
Unemployment and other economic difficulties currently face numbers of
brethren and others who write to the Work. This week's comments focus on
the positive attitude shown by many despite such trials. God is surely
blessing and providing for those who trust in Him, often in amazing or un­
expected ways, as evidenced by the following letters.
What a trying year this has been. There has been no employment
for most of the year. The economic situation here in Michigan is
worsening daily. However, God continues to bless us. We have
even been able to help others with nightmarish trials--those in
this present world groping around with little or no real hope.
As things in this world continue to deteriorate, it is truly
wonderful to be just a small part of God's Work, watching it grow
despite all obstacles. The trials experienced by our family have
served to strengthen our faith in God's Word.
Mr. & Mrs. J.o. (Sawyer, MI)
Even though I have been laid off from a job which had lasted 13
years, and am now on public assistance while in school, God has
truly taken care of my family and me. He has blessed us in ways I
have never thought possible. Please accept this offering as I'm
truly grateful to God for our blessings and most importantly, His
J.T. (Derby, NY)
My husband has been out of work for six months, but every day God
proves His love for us in ways I would have never dreamed. Praise
God, from whom all blessings truly flow--but not necessarily
material blessings. We are living in a house without heat, air
conditioning and bathroom, and we heat water to wash. However, I
love it and feel privileged to have this much.
L.N. (Omaha, TX)
My husband received an adjustment on his Social Security check
and as a result we have received some back pay. We are most
thankful to God for this. It had been a tight summer, but God has
helped us all the way through and is still helping us. Here is
our offering and we thank God for being able to know His truth.
Mrs. C.H. (Waynesboro, MS)
Although my husband has been working at a steady job, he has not
been paid for three and a half months. Even though we have had no
income, we have had all the food and other things we need--God
has surely taken care of us.
Mrs. P.S. (Blue Ridge, TX)
The work situation in our area is very discouraging as far as the
family breadwinner is concerned. My husband is now signing up
for the ten-week extension of unemployment benefits. But God has
really blessed us this year. We have kept our bills paid, been
able to attend Church services every Sabbath and also go to the
Feast. He gave us an abundance of good vegetables during the