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Thank you for letting God use you in leading His end-time Work
and for the powerful and inspiring messages during the Feast.
This was the best Feast ever. I attended the Feast at Mt. Pocono
and it was beautiful there. We had fantastic weather and the
ministers were inspired. God truly blessed us--there are not
even words on my lips or in my mind at the moment to describe it.
I can only say it was beautiful. The cooperation and unity among
the brethren was also at a peak..•. I hope and think God was
pleased. Hopefully, He will continue to bless us and help us to
help you finish the Work and push forward toward His coming
J.R. (Rochester, PA)
My sincerest thanks to you (Mr. Armstrong) and those who assisted
you in producing the beautiful Feast edition of The GOOD NEWS
with the timely articles of how to rejoice before the Eternal.
This Feast of Tabernacles (in Tucson) was truly the best I've
ever attended, and I've attended all but two since my first one
in Big Sandy in 1956. The ministers fed us with strong meat.
Even my great-grandchildren (ages 10, 14 and 16) understood and
wanted to obey the instructions that were given so forcefully and
plainly. The beautiful BIBLE STORY book really put the icing on
the cake.
Truly, God's way is to give and you are a living example of it.
You give so much to help us understand how to grow spiritually. I
thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a shining example
of God's way of life.
C.H. (Aurora, CO)
This truly has been the greatest Feast �ver for our family. My
wife and I saw the two most inspiring films of our lives--the
Feast show put on by Ambassador College and the film, "Behind the
Work." We want to thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for giving us the
opportunity to see these two wonderful films. They revealed just
how magnificent the warld tomorrow will be--beautiful, clean,
wholesome and filled with Godly, righteous character. And, even
more inspiring, they showed the part we as members have in this
Church. We were taught by those films. Soon we ourselves will be
teaching others!
What a wonderful, inspiring and meaningful
Feast it has been!
G.P • (Rapid City, SD)
I just had to write and tell you that this year's Feast of Taber­
nacles was the most outstanding and rewarding I have ever attend­
ed. God's blessings and Spirit were truly evident throughout the
Feast. Can you imagine 70 degree temperatures for eight days at
Mt. Pocono, with rain only during the night or early morning?
During this Feast, I felt God was directly speaking to His Church
through His ministry, telling us we have to separate ourselves
from this world because we are a holy and chosen people. We must
really start doing things God's way, not only for our own sake,
but for the sake of this dying world.
Mrs. J.H. (Browns Mills, NJ)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center