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"The Best Feast Ever!"
Upon returning home from this year's Feast of Tabernacles, members have
shared their impressions of another "best Feast ever."
Brethren were
encouraged and inspired to rededicate themselves to serving God and His
Work in preparation for the coming world tomorrow, as the following
comments show.
What a great spiritual Feast we received again this year in
Dayton, Ohio! It was so wonderful seeing you (Mr. Armstrong) and
singing to our great God together. We thank the Eternal for
calling us and helping us daily through His Spirit to continue
on. As you always say, we could never do it on our own strength,
but our Saviour does indeed help us••••We pray that our Feast
attitudes will continue all through the year. God had indeed
blessed us and we pray He will soon come to bless all people.
G.& M.G. (Lockbourne, OH)
I want to say thanks to you (Mr. Armstrong) and all the ministers
and people who served at the Pasadena Feast site. The sermons
and sermonettes were fantastic. So many wonderful things hap­
pened that I don't know where to start.
The campus is absolutely beautiful, and to be in the midst of
that beauty and quality during the Feast was awe-inspiring. The
family dance was an event we will always remember--the quality
and unity made it a happy event. Particularly rewarding was par­
ticipating in the festival choir for my wife and the WATS line
for me. I will never forget the experience of being the first
contact (after Mr. Armstrong) frem the Work for those people
calling in.
Also, the two films were excellent--especially "Behind the Work."
I could go on, but thank you for all this and more. This Feast
has been a reawakening for us. Thank you all for your part in
making this a terrific Feast!
Mr.& Mrs. S.K. (Idaho Falls, ID)
A few days ago we arrived home from a most wonderful trip and
We are still feasting on all the notes we took, and
thinking about your sermon to all of us worldwide, and the
Ambassador presentation. How inspiring it all was. All those we
talked with expressed the need to really follow up and get their
lives in order. We look forward to the world tomorrow when we can
lead all nations into God's truth, even as you, through God, have
led us to His truth.
Mr.& Mrs. G.Y. (Salem, OR)
We just arrived home after observing the Feast of Tabernacles and
Last Great Day in Squaw Valley, California.
The spiritual
nourishment we received was outstanding and we enjoyed this Feast
as never before. We appreciated your sermons on the first day of
the Feast and Last Great Day and thank God for inspiring and
encouraging you to teach us more about His way and government.
R.A. (Salinas, CA)