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there is an increased sense of belonging--being part of a valued
team dedicated to an enormous job.
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. It was everything we could have
hoped for. The atmosphere of friendship and rapport amongst the
ministry was marvellous to behold, and in fact it felt like one
large close-knit family. We felt the programme was improved in a
number of important respects from our first session. The atmos­
phere a little more relaxed, but the information presented just
as pertinent and a valuable addition to all we learned the first
time around.
May we take this opportunity to thank all of the instructors and
all the Ministerial Services staff for your valuable contribu­
tions and continual hard work. Particularly of course we want to
thank Mr. Armstrong for his incredible wisdom, persistence and
fine example. Just where would we all be without him?
Finally of course we are most thankful to God Himself for inspir­
ing such programmes and making it possible for us to serve Him
and His Church more effectively.
John and Lynn Meakin
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife, Mary, and I would like to thank you for the very uplift­
ing and challenging opportunity of having been a part of Session
#9 of the Ministerial Refreshing Program. The whole atmosphere
of the campus--the beauty, the tranquility, the genuine friend­
liness--gave us a refreshing foretaste of the Millennium.
special thanks to all the men who came from the various depart­
ments to instruct us. We pray now for the power to put this
teaching into effect in our lives.
Alan and Mary House
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Since this is the last PGR before the Feast of Tabernacles, it occurred to
me that it might be good to mention in this issue one or two items relative
to Ambassador College applicants.
March 1st, 1983 will be the deadline for rece1v1ng completed applications
to Ambassador College. Any completed applications which arrive after that
date have little chance of being seriously considered for the 1983-84
college year.
(Just this afternoon, I spoke to Mr. Leslie McCullough,
Deputy Chancellor at Big Sandy, and he said that A.C. at Big Sandy also
wants to make March 1st, 1983 the cut-off date for receiving completed
As you know, A.C. does not normally consider any application unless the
results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test are included. So shortly after the
Feast of Tabernacles, we plan to give some pertinent information regarding
the SAT tests in the PGR and WORLDWIDE NEWS. Let me say now, however, that
any prospective student who plans to take the SAT test should seriously