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at 10.4%. In addition, the value of the Australian dollar has slipped below
the American dollar for the first time in years.
We continue to be most grateful to the living Jesus Christ for providing the
financial means to continue His Work in this area of the world, especially
in light of the present economic conditions in this country.
seriously affected by the recession themselves, members and
contributed a 10.3% increase for the month. This level of commitment to the
Work of Jesus Christ is most appreciated. Our year-to-date increase now
stands at 15.1%.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Ever since the Ministerial Refreshing Program began, letters of
thanks from ministers have flooded your office. Esther and I,
having attended Session #8 last July, can now appreciate why, and
wish to add yet another such letter. The programme is something
to shout about, being highly inspirational, beneITcial--very
refreshing, we discovered.
God is the author of this programme: otherwise I cannot explain
the present understanding and unity existing among you and your
team, the lively interest in your individual work, and the great
enthusiasm which came across in quality lectures.
We sensed, too, the spirit of love, admiration, loyalty and
respect for the physical head of this Work. This was refreshing
indeed, but it must be a solid upliftment for Mr. Armstrong,
particularly needed in these days when Satan seems to be letting
loose every demon at once in an effort to hinder God's Work
around the world.
Esther and I say thanks to Mr. Armstrong and you, and the staff
for your several contributions.
We also hold many pleasant memories of persons outside the lecĀ­
ture room--ministers, students and the many workers in every
department of the College.
Above all we are grateful to God who inspired the institution of
the programme.
However, lasting proof of the sincerity of a
minister's gratitude will be seen only in his translation of such
words into action. We pray God will make it possible.
Ed and Esther Straugham
Dear Mr. Tkach:
From my own experience and talking to other ministers, I feel
that the Refreshing Programme is possibly one of the finest
programmes Mr. Armstrong has ever instituted to promote unity,
trust, loyalty and renewed dedication amongst the ministry--which
of course spreads throughout our respective flocks. To have this
programme on a continuing basis also promotes a great bond with
those of you at Headquarters which grows from year to year.
Communication is improved; we look forward to our next visit;