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Receiving quite a few new re­
quests for visits from interested listeners to telecast. Atti­
tudes overall are fine. I think most of the brethren here sense
we are near the end of this age.
CAMBRIDGE, OH--R. "SHORTY" FUESSEL: There has been a noticeable
increase in good quality PM's. A number are now attending and
are proceeding towards baptism. Church seems to be growing to­
gether and stabilizing. Some hardship on a few members due to
high unemployment in the area.
MICHIGAN CITY, IN--RAND MILLICH: Members are putting their trust
in God as their healer. Children (teens) coming back from S.E.P.
are enthusiastic about their experiences. They appreciated hear­
ing from Mr. Armstrong and other personnel from Headquarters.
(Pasadena campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
A certaih excitement fills the air as the 1982-83 college year is about to
begin. This semester, we expect to have approximately 500 single students
on campus, plus a number of married and special students.
students" are those who will be taking only one or two classes at
Ambassador, and this includes some key employees and the wives of married
students, ministers or faculty members.)
Mr. Armstrong has okayed our increasing the single, on-campus student body
size from 472 (last year's figure) to 500. We have accepted about 512, but
expect a number of "no-shows" will bring this figure down to about 500 by
the time all of the students have registered.
During 1981-82 we had a very exciting and successful college year, and we
expect the coming year to be even better. You will be happy to learn that
over 50% of last year's graduates have been employed in the Work! And I am
sure that the non-employed-in-the-Work grads will serve as pillars in the
local churches where they attend.
Presently, Mr. Armstrong plans to speak to the faculty and administration
of the College at the faculty meeting this coming Sunday, August 22nd. Fol­
lowing that meeting, a faculty dinner is planned. Then on Monday, the 23rd,
Mr. Armstrong plans to speak at the Orientation Forum, which will be
attended by all students and faculty, plus some employees of Ambassador
The annual Freshmen Reception (formerly called Faculty Reception) is sched­
uled to be at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, �ugust 26th. Mr. Armstrong plans, as
in past years, to address all of the freshmen briefly at that occasion. A
dance will follow immediately afterward.
This year the 1982 ENVOY will not be ready for delivery at the Feast of
Tabernacles as it was last year. We regret that it will not be ready by the
Feast, but we hope to have someone at each Feast site to take orders. I
have been told that Mr. Armstrong plans to send a letter (regarding the '82