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The instruction has helped me to see how I can better help Mr.
Botha and the brethren in our area. Thanks to all of you and
especially God who makes it all possible.
Bob and Elaine Griffith
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Time does fly and after two years my wife and I are back at the
Ministerial Refreshing Program. And what a refreshing time it
is! Several items seem to stand out especially. They are:
1. The blessing of being able to hear from Mr. Armstrong. The
opportunity to hear his words was greatly inspiring to us.
Also to see how, through God's guidance, Mr. Armstrong is
getting the Church back on the track was very encouraging.
2. The various helpful classes. The subjects chosen this time
seem to really zero in on the things that can help us out in
the field. The speakers all seem to be deeply interested in
teaching and instructing us on the ways of life.
3. The fellowship. It is always good to touch bases with those
of you at Headquarters and also to meet others that labor in
the field ministry. The team spirit is corning through.
Therefore, thanks for this wonderful course of instruction. It
is surely very worthwhile.
Richard and Sally Parker
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
DETROIT (WEST), MI--RAY WOOTEN: The brethren here were greatly
uplifted and inspired by the visit of Mr. Armstrong on June 26th.
Many were seeing him in person for the first time. His message on
prophecy and that time is very short in which to overcome and
finish the Work was a much-needed awakening to many of those
JONESBORO, AR--CLYDE KILOUGH: There's good involvement in local
Church activities reflecting a general positive attitude. Many
commented on Mr. Armstrong's last tape--particularly on the light
shed about our being trained to be teachers. Several comments
were along the lines of "There is a real sense of urgency in Mr.
Armstrong's sermons for the Church." I believe the brethren are
picking up on this personally. There's been excellent response
to the Bible study on the book of Revelation.
The brethren certainly enjoy the
tapes from Mr. Armstrong. They talk about them quite a bit. He
gives them a strength that no one else can give.
HARRISON/MT. VIEW, AR--TOM BLACKWELL: PT newsstand program grow­
ing. Having good support among members. Brethren are 100� be­
hind Mr. Armstrong and the Work. They enjoy hearing him on the
tapes. Keep them coming.