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encouraged by Mr. Leroy Neff's visit during the Days of
Unleavened Bread.
Church seems to be growing
well even though we have virtually no new PM's to contact. The
Church seems to get warmer every week and is also becoming more
cohesive. PT distribution is doing well. We now put out nearly
1,000 PT's per month in this city which was completely closed to
us when the local church started last June.
Our ·local PLAIN TRUTH distribu­
In the past year we have added
three-church area. That is an in-
tion program is in high gear.
4,192 subscriptions within the
crease of 83%!
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Members' Examples Have Impact
Jesus Christ said we must let our light shine! Many brethren fulfill this
command in an exemplary manner which has positive impact on others.
An incident in Oklahoma during the recent Days of Unleavened Bread illus­
trates this. Three church families were dining in a local restaurant on one
of the holy days. Their well-mannered children were seated at a separate
table when one of them accidentally spilled a drink. The parents of the
child quietly came over, cleaned up the spill and comforted the child. The
general behavior of the group so impressed another diner, who is a cor­
porate president, that she went over and began talking with the party. Upon
learning that they were members of the Worldwide Church of God she wanted to
give a donation to the Church and handed one of the men a $100 bill!
The following comments from letters to Mr. Armstrong are further examples
of how the actions of God's people can impress others in a very positive
I have been very disappointed with the church I was in. I never
seemed to be satisfied. There was something lacking. I felt I
didn't know any more when I came home than before I went. I was
always left without understanding of what it all meant. Every­
thing was like a deep dark mystery to me. I have not been attend­
ing church for some time.
I have heard so much about your church from a lady friend who is a
member. I have asked her questions, talked to her and watched
her life. She seems to have something I want for myself. So
please send me the Bible course and The PLAIN TRUTH, or whatever
will help me most.
M.R. (Toledo, OH)
I have been attending the Church of God for the past two months
and would now like to start paying tithes since I am sure that
this is the true church. I had been searching so long for a
church that revealed the truth. I couldn't find one until I got
in touch with one of your representatives in the New Jersey area.