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PURA VERDAD delivery time has been reduced drastically using this mailing
system. Normal delivery time to remote Bolivia has been four to six months
by U.S. surface mail; now it is two to four weeks. Delivery time"""to
has improved from 10-12 weeks fo"'""two weeks. So, the magazine is being
delivered to non-U.S. subscribers in the same month as the cover date.
This has never occurred on a list-wide basis in the history of the Spanish­
language edition. It is expected that this faster delivery time should
affect the readers very positively and could increase incoming mail.
Although the Spanish-language PT list is dominated by new subscribers, the
37% who are prime subscribers have yielded much fruit, indicating a more
serious involvement in God's Work. Nearly six percent of these prime sub­
scribers are donors, while two percent are co-workers. The total number of
donors through the end of April--2,582--is an all-time high in the history
of the Work in the Spanish-speaking areas. Also, the number of active Bible
Correspondence Course students reached a seven-year high of 12,000 in
April, or 10% of the entire subscription list. In addition, the Spanish­
language CC is sent to students in such diverse non-Spanish-speaking
countries as Japan, Cameroon, Denmark, Greece, India and Tanzania.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
TULSA, OK--D. E. MASON: Seem to be contacting a more enthusias­
tic group of PM's as a result of the radio and TV coverage here.
All seem deeply concerned and motivated as a result of listening
to Mr. Armstrong's powerful programs.
Church attendance continues to
remain high. People seem to have more of a sense of urgency than
ever before. A definite increase in new PM's. Please keep the
telecast in Austin!
more spiritually oriented.
Bible and Mr. Armstrong's
Atlanta Church is becoming more and
More discussion of world events, the
increased emphasis on preaching the
Everyone excited about Mr. Gerald
Waterhouse's visit and anxious for the Kingdom to come. Overall,
an optimistic attitude prevails due to Mr. Armstrong's tireless
efforts on radio and TV and trips abroad.
BELLEVILLE, IL--HAROLD SMITH: Everyone is encouraged about Mr.
Armstrong's trips and his continuing work pace. Many have been
commenting on how super the GN is, and now more and more are im­
pressed by how the PT has gotten meatier by the month.
KANSAS CITY, KS--BRUCE GORE: We have our usual minor problems to
deal with, but overall everything in the area is going extremely
well. The brethren seemed to be very up for the Spring holy days
and the offerings were some of the best ever for this area. we
really enjoyed and appreciated Mr. Dean Blackwell's visit to the
SOLDOTNA, AK--GLENN DOIG: Really appreciate having the question
and answer
section in
the PGR. Brethren were really helped and