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each other (e.g. when newsstand PTs advertise Mr. Armstrong's local televi­
sion and/or radio broadcast), the greater the
and responsive­
ness to the program.
PLAIN TRUTH circulation is continuing to climb, setting new records every
week, with U.S. circulation now at 1,754,000. During the week of April
� 60,000 new subscribers were added to The PLAIN TRUTH list--setting
new record!
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
Impact of Work's Lit on International Readers
This week's comments are from letters received by the various international
offices of the Work. They show the impact the Work's literature is making
on the personal lives of subscribers around the world.
Finding an old edition of your magazine in an old pile of news­
papers was like finding the light at the end of a tunnel. I can't
bel�eve how informative and accurate your magazine is. It makes
Bible reading and understanding so much easier, and so real! The
words jump off the pages like whispers from God, moments before
the final hour of the world. I definitely believe that if you
charged a subscription price for this magazine, based solely on
the relevance and magnitude of the information presented, it
would be worth hundreds of dollars each issue! The fact that you
give your magazine to anyone without a subscription price is
I would like to become a subscriber immediately and
look forward to receiving my first issue.
J.F. (Inglewood, Canada)
At the back of your booklet, WHAT IS THE TRUE GOSPEL?, is an
advertisement saying, "If you'd like to know more.•• "--well, I
would. Myself, and a neighbour about a mile and a half down the
road from me, are both interested in learning the truth.
I realize that I'm asking a lot from someone who doesn't even
know me, since I live approximately 42 miles from Quesnel-­
although there is a good road to my place. At present I cannot
even pay the expenses of whoever would be willing to come out to
talk with me•...My neighbour would also like to see someone and
talk with them about the truth.
If there is someone who would take pity on a couple of old "bush
rats" and be willing to come and talk to us, we would surely
S.M. (Quesnel, Canada)
Your magazine is a real storehouse from which I draw strength.
It activates a spiritual flame within me and reinforces my faith
each day. It is a profound source, full of profitable instruc­
H.E. (Togo)