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down this month. Although none of our members were employees, it
shows the seriousness of the situation here. Everyone is enthu­
siastic about the expansion of the Work and the growth that
expansion is bringing about--proves God backs up our efforts.
WICHITA, KS--JUDD KIRK: Economy is beginning to take a toll on
our local people. Several have lost jobs or have been told their
job security is not high.
We now have many
people out of work and some have moved to the Sunbelt. Unemploy­
ment is very high and businesses are closing down. Others are
out on strike. Many people on the same job for 15 to 30 years are
finding themselves without work.
Unless things change soon,
Pittsburgh could easily become a depressed area. So far those in
the Church who are unemployed have been able to draw unemploy­
ment, so everyone is still making it.
Everything seems to be going well in the Beaver Valley congre­
The area itself is beginning to be an economically
depressed place to live. Unemployment is quite high and this is
beginning to affect some in the Church. Several have moved to
the Sunbelt and others are planning to.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
PLAIN TRUTH to Receive Unique Exposure
Recently, we were notified by the Zellerbach Paper Company that samples of
their paper called "Mendocino 45# Gloss" were to be distributed to various
printers and publishers. What is interesting about this is that the sam­
ples to be used are signatures of the Introductory PLAIN TRUTH! Four sales­
men are each being given 1,000 samples of the cover signature (16 pages) of
the Introductory PLAIN TRUTH to distribute to printers and publishers in 13
western states.
The Zellerbach Paper Company is the largest paper distributor in the U.S.
with 56 outlets in 24 states. Its sales in 1982 will approach $1 billion.
The prime purpose in Zellerbach sending out these samples is to show the
quality of the printing on this paper. But who knows what other results
ultimately might be?
The Introductory PT cover signature includes a cover photograph of Mr.
Armstrong, his Personal "Why I Talk With Heads of State About World Evils
and World Peace," the article by Mr. Armstrong "Jews Are a Nation Again.•.
Prophecy Fulfilled?", and segments from other articles about the world
tomorrow, the Kingdom of God, etc. This special edition of The PLAIN TRUTH
is sent to all new subscribers as an introduction to the Work and to the
Church. Since most ministers have never seen a copy of the Introductory
P.T., we are including a sample £2.EY with this issue of the PASTOR GENERAL'S
PT Newsstands/Circulation
The TV tip-on program for newsstand editions of the magazine is growing
rapidly and yielding excellent results. Wherever two mediums can advertise