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Again, many thanks for the program. And thank you again for your
personal talk at the beginning of the first and second sessions,
for speaking to us so powerfully (and without Bible or notes!),
and for the dedicated servants you have appointed to carry
through the rest of the program.
Selmer L. Hegvold
God's People Living the Way of Give
We recently had a very inspiring and encouraging thing happen in
the Churches in Arizona--proving � again that God's Church and
its members are getting "back on the track" in truly practicing
the godly way of give.
Being the new pastor in the Prescott and Flagstaff Churches, I
have come to see very quickly that the nation's faltering economy
has taken its toll on a number of families in this area. Problems
in the construction, logging, and other industries have caused no
small number of unemployment and financial problems.
However, in a matter of a few weeks after our arrival here, the
Spo�esman Club in the Phoenix West congregation (pastored by Mr.
Jim Turner) offered to sponsor a fund/food raising drive in their
area to assist those families in need in the Northern Arizona
Churches! (Brings to mind the example of the early New Testament
Church in I Corinthians 16.)
About three weeks later I received another phone call from Mr.
Turner informing me what type of offering they would be sending
up to us inside of a few days: 1) several boxes of quality used
clothing, 2) over $600.00 worth of canned and other food goods
and 3) a cashier's check in the amount of $792.82! Needless to
say, it was a humbling yet ver
INSPIRING experience to receive a
totally unsolicited offering rom another congregation of God's
people. Many families have benefited from their generosity.
It goes to prove that when we, as the people of God, submit to
Him, He will give us more of His Holy Spirit--one of the fruits of
which is LOVE.
Doug Horchak
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
Mr. Armstrong's recent
tapes were not only inspiring, but also helpful to the members,
keeping them current on Mr. Armstrong's trips and helping them to
see the principle of sin. It seems this recent series of sermon
tapes has made a great deal more clear the subtleties of Satan
and how sin can easily enter our lives.
I hope that Mr.
Armstrong's tapes will continue to be sent to the local areas.
He is truly able to give us the strong leadership that we need for
total unity.
very impressed with the recent telecasts, especially those with
Mr. Armstrong in Egypt. They felt they were being allowed to see