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30,000 magazines with a resultant upsurge in mail. This year will see the
maintenance of circulation at the increased level of 30,000.
Feast of Tabernacles attendance increased to over 600, even though some of
the members this year went to festivals in areas administered by the South
African office. Nevertheless, Holy Day offerings were up 26% over 1980.
Total income was up 35%.
Three Bible Studies were changed in status to weekly Churches and a fullĀ­
time ministerial trainee, Steve Le Blanc, was hired in Ghana on a one-year
training programme in pastoral duties.
In March, Regional Director Frank Brown will visit Lome, Togo to conduct a
conference of personnel from both East and West Africa.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
The first session of the second edition of the Ministerial
Refreshing Program has come and gone, so I'm quite late in giving
you thanks and deep appreciation for what we have been privileged
once more to sit in on as students! Thank you for initiating such
a marvelous method of updating all of the ministry worldwide on
the wonderful new truths Christ has been revealing to you, His
Apostle and Pastor General of His Church in this age!
We all have been made to realize we have accumulated knowledge of
God's great purpose and plan over these many years in His
service, BUT have never really understood that knowledge!
have only seen "through a glass darkly" up to now!
Through you and all the teaching staff here at headquarters that
amazing understanding is beginning to seep through to us. You
said many points of understanding have only in recent weeks been
made clear to you. Now we can go on to encourage and strengthen
the brethren for whom we are responsible.
I watched with interest the expressions and attitudes of the
ministers who are here for the second session. I've seen those
expressions and attitudes change from "Ho-hum, here we go again.
What more can they give us this time that we didn't get the last
time around?" to real anticipation and eagerness to get to each
succeeding class as each period comes around.
The fellowship is just wonderful, and I'm convinced the wives
have a deeper need for this opportunity to renew old, and make
new acquaintances.
Each will have to wait his turn to come in, and I'm sure every one
of those who have been here for the second program, and those who
are here this time heartily endorse the new format and subject
matter adopted for this second edition of the MRP.
All will
agree too that the schedule has been made easier, though packed
full of vital information.