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It is the CHURCH OF GOD, and we are in the WORK of GOD. And it
should be the most intriguing, inspiring, zestful work being done
by any humans.
WHAT A GLORIOUS PRIVILEGE-- we can be the inspired instruments
of the LIVING GOD giving His wonderful TRUTH to a dying world in its
I have omitted, above, the more detailed directives in my thirty­
two page instruction to the PLAIN TRUTH staff. I ask all you minis­
ters to pray fervently for this enterprise, as well as all the other
facets of the Work, including that of your fellow ministers in their
respective fields.
* * * * *
Mr. Armstrong has decided
not to go ahead with the planned biblical signature to the PT which
was slated to begin with the December U.S. edition. We are now re­
designing the December number in conformity to that decision. Mr.
Armstrorrg intends to get back to the kind of PT he originally en­
visioned, and I will be participating with him and Mr. Rader in a
discussion regarding the content of the magazine later this week. We
will keep you informed of the developments in the Pastor's Report.
We will be reprinting all of Garner Ted Armstrong's booklets minus
the byline, and with minor editings. Existing stock should not be
used, and should be destrpyed in accordance with Mr.Herbert Armstrong's
wishes. (International areas please take note.) The new printings
are being given top priority, since the material is urgently needed.
We have now prepared a sample PT for approval, yet to be printed,
which will be sent out to "new adds" to the mailing list instead of
the present six-month trial subscription. This should save consider­
able money and help weed out at an earlier stage those who are un­
likely to become more involved with the Work.
The present PT newsstand program is continuing to prove successful.
As a result of it, we are adding about 15,000 new people to the mail­
ing list monthly. This is in the United States only. As of August
1978, worldwide circulation for the PT is 2,257,487. This includes ,.
the newsstand edition.
,· · ,
Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
PUBLISHING SERVICES UPDATE The Plain Truth newsstand program continues
to expand. We now have one million magazines out on the racks each
month, all of which are picked up by the public. Our worldwide circu­
lation, including newsstands in all languages, is climbing steadily
towards the three million mark. This is the figure Mr. Herbert W.
Armstrong has quoted in the past as being a working minimum. The
Plain Truth has not been above three million since 1973. Increasing
circulation is a positive step and we intend, with your support, not
to drop below this figure again.' Our plans call for an expansion of
the newsstand program as funds allow.